WWE Smackdown Results (3/23) – Team Teddy Gains Two Members, Miz/Bryan vs Punk/Sheamus

Matt Striker is shown catching up with Cody Rhodes earlier in the day, and Cody says he has enjoyed showing all of the Big Show's most embarrassing moments. He says it's fun because it is Big Show choking like he always does, and it is appropriate that Wrestlemania is on April 1st. Cody says it is April Fools Day and Big Show is the biggest fool in WWE, so he will embarrass him one more time then tells Striker he has a plane to catch.

Big Show vs Kane

Kane punches Show a few times and runs at him in the corner, but Show knocks him down so Kane rolls outside but Show follows him outside. Kane hits him and rolls inside, then he dropkicks Show and applies a rear choke but Show makes it to his feet and flips Kane over his shoulder. Show runs the ropes and dives at Kane, but they clothesline each other so the ref starts a ten count, but they both get up and go punch for punch. Show whips Kane into the corner and hits a shoulder block, then he calls for a chokeslam but Kane counters with a DDT for a two count. Kane goes up top and leaps off, but Show catches him on the way down and chokeslams him, then Cody Rhodes runs in from the crowd and causes a disqualification. Show chases him through the crowd and knocks over a fan, then Randy Orton comes from underneath the ring and surprises Kane with a RKO.

Winner (by disqualification) – Big Show

Heath Slater vs Brodus Clay

Brodus shoves Slater on the mat and shakes his hips, then Brodus punches him and hits an elbow drop, but Slater counters an Irish whip with a kick to the face. He hits Brodus again and goes for a pin, but Brodus kicks out at two then headbutts Slater and punches him in the stomach. Brodus connects with a knee lift, then follows it with a T-Bone suplex and the Funk It splash for the win.

Winner – Brodus Clay