ROH Ear2Ear Press Conference Quotes & Ordering Info

Ring Of Honor sent along the following to …

This past Wednesday on ATG Radio LIVE from GFL.TV & the ATG Crew hosted a press conference for Ring of Honor’s 10th Anniversary iPPV LIVE on GFL.TV 3/4 at 5pm EST! In attendance were ROH Ambassador Cary Silkin, Kyle O’Reilly, Adam Cole, Eddie Edwards & ROH Champion Davey Richards. To hear the Press Conference in it’s entirety click the link below or read some of the highlights of the Press Conference.

Also to Order Sunday’s 10th Anniversary Event for the VERY LOW price of $9.99 click this link:

Cary Silkin:

“This Main Event is just off the charts”

“Kyle O’Reilly and Adam Cole are the wild cards in this match. They have never been in this spot before , being in the main event , in New York , for the 10th anniversary show”

“Everybody has earned their spot. No one came into Ring of Honor and was main event their first match. These 4 wrestlers in this match all deserve to be in the spot they are in.”

Eddie Edwards:

“Im excited for the chance to tag with Adam for the 10th Ann. show, I`m more than happy to tag with him and give him a chance to shine”

“The thing is you don`t knwo what you will get from us. I knwo what to expect from our opponents , but I don`t knwo if they can expect me and Cole”

“I know Adam is ready for this moment , and we will leave it all in the ring.”

Adam Cole:

“When I sit back , it is surreal to be in this spot , and I couldn`t be any happier that my partner will be Eddie Edwards.”

“I`m the most hungry in this match up. I have the most to prove. I will be making my statement,whether it is against Davey, or my former partner Kyle O’Reilly”

“We told each other that we didn`t form Future Shock for friendship. Now that we aren`t partners,we need to test each others, and prove to the world who is the best and who progressed the most.”

Davey Richards:

“Adam is the wild card in this match. He is a great talent , it is my honor to share the ring with him. He is goign to learn the hard way that Davey Richards is a whole other game”

“I have to go to my dark place to defeat Eddie Edwards. It will be another war”

“Somebodies head is getting taken off come Sunday, I can promise you that”

Kyle O’Reilly:

“I just want to make a statement in general to all the doubters , that this sunday will be the performance of my life and I`m going to go out and give it my all”

“March 4th is absolutely everything. I`m goign to continue to kick ass and keep heads rolling.”

Once again make sure to order this MUST SEE Event LIVE or OnDEMAND by click below: