PWO: Jimmy Jacobs Debuts As Masked Attacker Of Johnny Gargano reader Joe Dombrowski sent along the following …

PWO: Jimmy Jacobs Debuts as Ski Masked Attacker of Johnny Gargano

One year ago, Johnny Gargano was attacked from behind by an unknown man dressed in all black and disguising his face with a ski mask. This unknown assailant broke a television camera over the back of Gargano, effectively putting Johnny out of the PWO Title picture and worsening a slew of back and neck injuries that would haunt Gargano for months and months to come.

Fast-forward to present day, one year later, and Johnny Gargano is freshly removed from being carried from an arena on a stretcher into an ambulance, unable to feel his legs or move, following a match in south Philadelphia, PA. The agonizing pain stems from further damage done to Gargano's long-injured back.

With the masked man still playing mind games from afar, and using Sex Appeal to send Johnny messages in PWO, it seems the time was drawing near for this unknown attacker to finally reveal his identity and his motives.

On the 2/26/12 episode of PWO TV, we were told the man behind the mask promised to reveal himself… and Johnny Gargano was there to confront him face-to-face.

Due to the masked man rumored to be someone who does not, and never has, worked for PWO, Commissioner Justin LaBar was there to make sure Gargano & masked man did not touch each other. However, that did not stop chaos from ensuing and PWO Wrestling changing forever.

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