WWE RAW Results (2/27) – Jericho Confronts Punk, GMs Fight For Power, The Rock Returns To RAW

Miz says he will get to Cena but he has something to get off his chest, and he says there is no one who works harder than him including Cean himself. Miz goes over all of the interviews and press events he does, and says he isn't on the Wrestlemania card yet and says the fans would probably like that. He says it is a crime and he will make it right, and he will do it by beating the same guy he beat at last year's Wrestlemania because he's the Miz, and he's awesome.

John Cena vs The Miz

Miz hits the ropes and gets hiptossed, then Cena whips him into the corner and drops him with a fisherman's suplex and follows it with an elbow off the ropes. Cena goes for an AA but Miz counters with a breaker combo and a running knee lift for two, then Miz chokes him near the ropes. Cena comes back with a backdrop and a running clothesline, then he pulls Miz near the center and sets up a suplex but Miz floats over and plants him with a DDT. Miz continues the attack with a diving clothesline before heading to the top rope, but Cena ducks when he jumps and hits a shoulder tackle and a side slam. Cena picks him back up and drops him with an Attitude Adjustment, then jumps up and pulls Miz in and gets him to tap to the STF.

Winner – John Cena

Triple Threat WWE Tag Team Championship
R-Truth & Kofi Kingston vs Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger (w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs Primo & Epico (c) (w/ Rosa Mendes)

Primo runs the ropes and gets knocked down by a side kick by Kofi, then he monkey flips Dolph and Primo before making the tag to Truth. Primo gets knocked to the floor then Truth fights with Epico on the apron, but Swagger runs in and hits him then spears Kofi to the floor as we go to a break. When we get back, Truth catches Primo with a sunset flip for two, then Swagger kicks Truth and Dolph chokes him behind the ref's back. Swagger and Primo argue with each other, then Dolph dropkicks Truth and Primo steals the pin attempt and they also argue after Dolph breaks it up. Truth makes a comeback and hits a double DDT, then all three teams make tags but Kofi jumps in and dropkicks the other two men. (Cont'd…)


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