WWE House Show Results (2/25): Guatemala City

Report by Jose Corzantes and F4WOnline.com

Lilian Garcia came out, she walked around the ring, giving her hand to everyone. Then she entered the ring and presented the show (she spoke in spanish all the show, last time SD came, it was Teddy Long the one to introduce the show, but this time he didn’t came)

First match of the night:

Jinder Mahal vs The Great Khali.

Jinder gets booed beceause he grabs the mic and insults in his language. Great Khali appears, gets a nice reaction from the audiende. (He pointed at the sign with his name that my nephew had).

Normal match that you can watch on SD.

winner: The Great Khali

Next Cody Rhodes comes out, goes to the ring and makes Lilian Translate for him. Because: “I don’t want to learn a stupid, filthy language as is spanish” He then brags about how great he is, and how bad we (the audience) are. He gets booed, and goes to the back.

Next Match:

Drew Mckentyre vs Ezekiel Jackson.

Drew gets booed, Jackson gets a good reaction and give his hand to all around the ring.

Normal match as one can expect, Drew jobbed to Ezekiel. Ezekiel did was he usually does.

Next Match: Intercontinetal Championship match.

Special ring announcer Hornswoggle. (He spoke in spanish)

Cody Rhodes vs Booker T.

Booker gets and incredible reaction. He sees a person with a toy IC belt, ask for it, and shows it to Cody, then gave it back, and entered the ring, and grabs the real one from the referee. Cody kicks out of the ring Hornswoogle.

The match to long to start due to cody gettin in and out of the ring, and trying to get to the back until Booker made him enter the ring, only to get out again. Finally he ask the referee to watch booker while he enter the ring. match finally starts.

Great match! Booker looked great, and Cody was awesome! shame that he insulted the audience so much, because of that he got really booed.

Winner: Cody Rhodes.

Cody goes to the back. while Booker gets up with the help of hornswoogle. Bookers music, he ask if anyone wants to the the Big spinarooni. all said yes, but Hornswoogle wants to do it. Horns’ music plays, and he does it. Then Booker’s music, and finally does the Big spinarooni (sp)

Match lasted like 18 mins.

Then Lilian says there will be a 15 mins break.

After the break Lilian gets back and announce the next match.

Tag Team match:

Hunico and Camacho vs Justin Gabriel and Ted Dibiase

Hunico and Camacho does not go out in the bycicle.

But enter the ring and Hunico speaking spanish brags about how superior Mexico is than Guatemala. He gets the most Heel Heat of ALL because of that. Camacho spoke but could no understand what he said. It was spanish, but didn’t sound like it.

Ted gave his shirt to a small kid around the ring.

Hunico starts vs Gabriel. Hunico and Camacho tags a lot, and does not allow Gabriel to do the same. Hunico was very agile. Camacho was the strong guy. While Hunico did the High Flying moves and acrobatic moves. Camacho did the Strong Powerful moves. And they did some double-team moves. They weren’t bad. They make a good tag team.

Gabriel Finally tags the fresh Dibiase, and the eliminates both Hunico and Camacho. Then both Dibiase and Gabriel does moves outside the ring on both opponents. Dream Streat and 450 and 1,2,3.

Winner: Justin Gabriel and Ted Dibiase.

Next Match: Divas match.

Special Referee: Aksana.

Natalya vs Alicia Fox.

Aksana was a neutral refeere. No farts gimmick. Match was actually good, last around 10 mins. and was way better than was is usually shown on SD or RAW.

Winner: Alicia Fox.

After the match Nat argues with Aksana and gives her the sharpshooter. Alice gets back and gets Nat out of the ring. Helping Aksana. Nat gets booed, and Alicia gets a nice reaction. Theodore Long nowhere near to save Aksana. When Aksana leaves a lot of people (including me) started to shout: NXT! NXT! NXT!

Next Match: Street Fight match

Mark Henry vs Sheamus.

Sheamus gets a big reaction. Henry does too. Sheamus throw his shirt to the public. Henry teases to do the same but finally gives it to a security woman, and shouts: “Don’t give it away. THAT IS MINE!”
Nice match, Both look strong, lots of powerful moves after another, from both. Finally Henry goes out and pays no more attention to sheamus, and starts speaking with the audience near the ring. Finally Sheamus goes outs and punches him to gets his attention back at him. Sheamus throws chairs and Kendo sticks to the ring. Henry grabs a chair and hit Sheamus, then does the same with the Kendo stick, finally sheamus grabs a chair, and gives Henry a Headshot, when Henry is down, Sheamus repeatly hits him with the chair. When Finally Henry gets up he intercepts Sheamus Kendo and breaks it with his hands (that was awesome!), but after some more beating from both. Henry finally get tricked and end up hitting himself in the head, with a chair stuck in a corner. and Sheamus gets the pin.

Winner: Sheamus.

Sheamus goes and give his hand to everyone.

match lasted like 20 mins.

Lilian Garcia thanks everyone for coming, and says hopes to see everyone next time.

Final Match: WHC match

Daniel Bryan vs Big Show

Daniel Bryan comes out, and stares a lot at my sign. (I made a sign with the Dragon logo he has on his jacket. It was great he noticed my sing YAY!)

The Big Show comes out. He gets the biggest reaction of the night.

Lilian announces the contenders. While announcin Byran, he interrupts her, and tell her to say: “Daniel Bryan wants me to tell you, that he is the best champion Guatemala has ever seen”.

Match start and starts to get out of the ring, like Cody did in his match. Finally gets in. and the match starts. Big Show starts as the strong giant, after some big punches by Big Show. Bryan finally hits him in the legs to put him on his level, Finally start to be a treat to big show. Big show ask for support from the audience and finally gets up. Punches from Show and kicks and from Bryan. Bryan gets him in the Cripppler Crossface(lavelle lock -sp-) after a few moments show gets out of it, only to find himself in another summision lock to the neck. He get out of it again. Then Cody comes running from the back, and attacks Big Show. He team with Bryan to get him down. But show finally gets up, and gives both at the same time a Showstopper(Chokeslam). Both get out of the ring.

Big show gets a big reaction, goes out of the ring and gives his hand to everyone around ringside. He stops around the entrance and signs a sign and a tshirt. My niece almost got an autograph on her Big Show sign. The tour show ends.

So there it is. Hope its a nice report.


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