Impact Wrestling Results (2/23) – Brandon Jacobs Confronts Bully Ray, Sting Addresses “I’m Done” Comments, Announces Victory Road Match

ODB (w/ Eric Young) vs Gail Kim

Gail yells at ODB and EY, then ODB knocks her down with a clothesline and whips her into the corner and hits a Bronco Buster for a two count. ODB hits a fallaway slam then kips up and pulls at Gail, but she holds on to the bottom rope and kicks ODB in the face. EY gets on the ring and claps, but Gail hits a flying clothesline for a two count then she throws ODB on the apron and yells at EY. Gail hangs ODB on the ropes and slams her head down, then follows it with a side splash and slam for another near fall. Gail applies an standing scissors submission, and ODB counters out with a side slam but Gail throws her right back in the corner and chokes her with her boot. Madison Rayne walks down the ramp for support and Gail yells at her, then ODB knocks her down with a top rope Thesz press, but Gail counters the Bam! with Eat Defeat and rolls her up. 

Winner – Gail Kim

Television Championship

AJ Styles vs Robbie E (w/ Robbie T)

Robbie runs at AJ but he gets thrown into the corner a few times and hit with a backbreaker, then he tries to run the ropes and connect with a crossbody but AJ catches him. AJ drops him with a front slam and puts him in a bridging chin lock, but Robbie rolls outside and hides behind Robbie T. He rolls back in an catches AJ off guard, then he bodyslams him and whips him into the corner and Robbie T hits AJ behind the ref's back. Robbie bodyslams AJ and showboats in the corner, then he hits a middle rope kneedrop for a two count and AJ counters a corner whip with some clotheslines. AJ hits a backbreaker for two then sets up for a Styles Clash, but Robbie T jumps on the apron and Robbie hits him from behind. AJ comes back with a Pele Kick and goes to the apron, but Kaz and Daniels end up coming out and Kaz throws AJ into the guardrail to cause the disqualification.

Winner (by disqualification) – AJ Styles

Bully Ray & Kurt Angle vs James Storm & Jeff Hardy

Storm takes the mic and says Brandon Jacobs has unfinished business to take care of, then he calls him to the ring and chases Bully out of the ring. The bell rings and Storm punches Angle in the corner then hits a high knee and a knee smash, but Bully distracts him and Kurt takes him down in the corner. Kurt stomps him a few times then whips him in the corner but Storm counters with a clothesline and makes the tag to Hardy as we go to a break. Hardy hits Whisper In The Wind as we back, then Bully whips him into the corner but Hardy knocks Kurt down so Kurt pulls Hardy into the ringpost. Bully Ray taunts Brandon Jacobs at ringside then goes for an elbow drop, but Hardy rolls out of the way so Bully ends up tagging out. (Cont'd…)