Impact Wrestling Results (2/16) – New #1 Contenders For Knockouts and World Title, NY Giant Makes An Impact

When we return, Storm punches Bully a few times but Bully dropkicks his knee and yells at the ref to back off, then blows a snot rocket at him. Bully slams Storm's knee off the mat then pulls him up but Storm slaps him in the face and hits a Codebreaker, then ducks a big boot and hits the Last Call to win the match. Storm has a beer bash after the match and pours some in So Cal Val's mouth, then Brandon Jacobs hops the guardrail and drinks with Storm and shakes his hand. Bully Ray runs over and hits Storm from behind, then Jacobs says he doesn't want any trouble and Bully takes his beer and spits it in his face. Jacobs shoves Bully to the floor and agents run out and hold him back while Bully crawls away, then Jacobs celebrates with Storm in the ring.

Winner – James Storm

Storm and Jacobs are shown heading backstage, and Jacobs says he can't believe what happened because all he wanted to do is come out and support his friend James Storm. Jacobs says he was only having a beer but Bully spit in his face and he snapped and tried to break Bully Ray when he shoved him. Storm says he should beat him down like he did the Patriots, then Jacobs says is coming back next week and he will get his payback. After that we go to the ring where Storm calls out Bobby Roode and says he has nowhere to hide because he is going to face James Storm at Lockdown. Roode low blows him then clotheslines him, and he takes Sting's sunglasses and hits him with his title before punching him a few times and putting the glasses back on Sting. Roode grabs his title and kneels down and tells Sting he should mind his own business, then he smacks Sting in the face and leaves as Impact comes to a close.

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