TNA “Against All Odds” Results – February 12, 2012

TNA "Against All Odds" PPV Coverage

Report by Matt Boone for

TNA "Against All Odds" 2012 Opener:

The show opens with Jeff Hardy being shown arriving to the building. Hardy ignores requests for questions and walks into the arena.

A video package airs to open the event officially, focusing on Hulk Hogan talking and the Four Way TNA Title match main event.

We go live in the arena and Mike Tenay welcomes us to the show. Jeremy Borash is his announcing partner tonight.

#1 Contender's Match: Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorensen

Ion comes in first, to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Sorensen is out next, to a good pop from the folks. Sorensen gives his football to a fan. Ion tries giving a kid some hair spray, kid isn't interested. Sorensen attacks Ion to start the match. Ion eventually breaks free and steals the football Sorensen gave to the kid. Sorensen attempts a big dive onto Ion but Ion avoids it. Sorensen and Ion get back in the ring. Ion hits Sorensen with a missile dropkick. He rolls to ringside and tells the ref something. Ion flips Sorensen to the floor. Sorensen remains down and is eventually counted out. The ref throws up the X-symbol and the trainers come out to assist while Ion played to the crowd. Short match.

Winner via Countout: Zema Ion

Backstage: Christy Hemme Interviews Bobby Roode

Backstage, Christy Hemme is with Bobby Roode. Roode says he walked in tonight as TNA champion, and he will walk out the same. He questioned how many times Hardy needs to take the belt from him. He explains how he took the belt from James Storm and how he failed to take it back, despite his efforts. Roode concludes by saying he has no idea what Bully Ray's problem is.

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