WWE Smackdown Results (2/10) – Michael Cole Interviews AJ, All Elimination Chamber Participants In Action

Bryan works on Orton's elbow when we get back, and he tries snapping it over his shoulder again but Orton counters with a backbreaker then blocks a LeBell Lock. Orton slams him down and gets a two count, then he uppercuts Bryan in the corner and sets him on the top turnbuckle but Bryan shoves him back. Bryan leaps off and goes for a splash but Orton rolls away, then gets up and clotheslines him and follows with a powerslam. Orton throws Bryan to the apron to set up a hanging DDT, but Bryan counters with some kicks to the head then goes back up top. Orton crotches him on the turnbuckle then climbs up and hits a superplex, and he rolls over for the cover but Bryan kicks out at two.

Orton stomps Bryan's stomach then goes for a running knee drop, but Bryan rolls away and dropkicks Orton then kicks him in the corner. The referee pulls him away and Orton attempts to roll him up, but Bryan reverses with a LeBell Lock attempt that Orton also reverses. He slingshots Bryan to the apron and hits a hanging DDT, then calls for a RKO but Bryan rolls away and cheap shots Orton. Bryan grabs his title and starts walking away, but Big Show gets in his face and asks where he is going. Show shoves him to the ground then Bryan rolls in and gets hit with a RKO, but the referee calls for the bell. Orton gets pissed that Show got him disqualified, then he shoves Show and they start brawling in front of the announcer's table while Bryan retreats up the ramp.

Winner (by disqualification) – Daniel Bryan

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