WWE House Show Results (2/9): Abu Dhabi, UAE

WrestleZone.com reader Mahmood Ebrahim sent along the following …

WWE RAW House Show Results from Abu Dhabi,UAE

1- Alex Riley def. Drew Mcintyre

2- Tag Team Match : Primo & Epico def. Mason Ryan & Santino

3- Michael Mcgillicutty def. David Otunga

4- Kofi Kingstone def. Chris Jericho , after the match Y2J attacked Kofi

5- Triple Threat Match for US Title : Jack Swagger def. The Miz and R-Truth

6- John Cena def. Kane by DQ after Kane used a chair, then AA on Kane.

7- WWE Title Match : CM Punk def. Dolph Ziggler. The match end with double count out , but John John Laurinaitis came out and help Ziggler to enter the ring and restart the match while Punk is out. The refree count up to 9 before Punk enter the ring and beat Ziggler with GTS.

* They Announce that tomorrow’s match between Cena anf Kane will be No DQ.

* Best pops : CM Punk , John Cena