Sheamus vs David Otunga
Otunga tries to hit Sheamus but nothing works and Sheamus goes for a Celtic Cross, but Otunga slides out by removing his vest and runs around the ring. Sheamus catches him and tears his shirt then clubs him in the chest, but Otunga fights back and kicks Sheamus in the corner and chokes him on the ropes. Otunga turns around and throws his shirt down, but Sheamus gets right back up and hits a Brogue Kick for the win.
Winner – Sheamus
Chris Jericho comes out to the ring and he says the end of the world as you know it is here, because he has returned and is there to stop the liars and the cheats. He says everyone else is obsolete because everyone in the back is just a Jericho wannabe, then points out all the fans and calls them wannabes too. Jericho says he trolled everyone by saying nothing, then mentions all of Superstars stealing his ideas and says CM Punk is the worst of all. He says Punk is not the best in the world and he is just a Jericho wannabe, and Punk knows he is the best at what he does and he doesn't have to put it on a t-shirt to prove it.
Jericho says he proved it by becoming the first Undisputed Champion and mentions all of his accolades, and he says he came back for his legacy and to take back what is his. CM Punk cuts him off and walks down to the ring, then they stare each other down and Punk mocks Jericho by not speaking and dropping the mic. He raises his title in the air then turns around and dares Jericho to hit him, but Jericho doesn't do anything so Punk leaves with his arm raised. Jericho gets back on the mic and asks if he is going to say anything, then calls him a wannabe as Punk goes backstage and leaves him in the ring.