WWE Smackdown Results (2/3) – Elimination Chamber Entrants Named, Henry Suspended, Orton/Barrett No DQ Main Event

Wade chokes Orton on the top rope then drives his knee into Orton's head, then Wade backs up and kicks Orton in the head and knocks him back to the floor. Orton fights back and throws Wade over the barricade, then they fight in the crowd and Orton connects with a few uppercuts. He clotheslines Orton back over the barricade, then elbows him and jumps off the wall and hits Wade with a double axe handle smash. Orton tries to whip him into the steps but Wade reverses it, then he grabs a chair and smashes it into Orton's ribs a few times then sets up for a Wasteland on the chair. Orton slides out and hits some clotheslines and a powerslam, then picks up the chair and hits Wade in the back and ribs with it.

Orton psyches up and wedges the chair in the turnbuckles, then he whips Wade across the ring and he hits it shoulder first, and Orton picks him up and dropkicks him. Wade rolls out to the floor and Orton follows and throws him over the announcer's table, then he brings him into the ring and drops him with a hanging DDT. Orton goes for the RKO but Wade counters with a side slam then goes for the cover, but Orton gets his foot on the ropes so Wade goes outside for another chair. He drives it right into Orton's back, then picks him up for a pump handle slam, but Orton counters and hits a RKO then punches the mat and calls for another one. Orton moves the chair and slides the chair in place, then he hits another RKO on the chair and makes the cover.

Winner – Randy Orton

Teddy Long is shown with AJ and Daniel Bryan in his office and he tells Daniel that he is a great wrestler, but he doesn't need to fear Big Show at all. He says Bryan will take on Randy Orton next week, then Bryan says he is not afraid of giants or snakes and tells AJ to stay in the back where she is safe. Bryan says he will be right back and tells her to watch, then he runs out to the ring and yells and celebrates while Orton is still in the ring and doesn't know about next week's match.

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