Matt Striker is in the locker room with Randy Orton and he asks if he will take a more conservative approach in his match with Wade Barrett tonight. Orton says he doesn't hold anything back and he would have done the same thing if he had the chance, but he doesn't like Wade saying he ended his career. Orton says he will beat Wade in their no disqualification match tonight, and he is going to win the Elimination Chamber match and walk out as a ten time world champion. Wade makes his entrance and waits while Daniel Bryan is shown walking in to Teddy Long's office and says AJ is scared of Big Show. Teddy tells him to watch the main event first and they will discuss it later and they sit down as we go back to the ring.
No Disqualification
Wade Barrett vs Randy Orton
Orton trade punches with Wade then hits a clothesline, and follows it with a snap suplex and stomps on his head then picks him up and throws him outside. He throws Wade into the steps then throws him into the barricade, and puts him on the steps and stomps on his head then backdrops him on the barricade. Orton rolls him back in and gets a table under the ring, then we get back from a commercial and they are fighting on the top turnbuckle. Wade shoves him through the table and gets a two count, then he stomps Orton and starts working on his back and whips him out of the corner. He stretches Orton around the ringpost then slams him back first into the apron and taunts the fans, then he rolls him in and gets another two count. (Cont'd…)