Sheamus comes out to the ring and says he hates to break things up, but he wants to remind everyone that he won the Royal Rumble match last night. He says both Bryan and Punk have to defend their titles at the Elimination Chamber PPV, and John might get fired but he is going to Wrestlemania. Sheamus says he could be the next WWE or World Champion, and says he hopes HHH kicks John's ass so hard that he chokes on his lacey underwear. He leaves the ring as Punk and Bryan face off and have a stare down, then they shakes hands before leaving.
Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler (w/ Vickie Guerrero)
Dolph punches Orton near the corner then runs the ropes but ducks and holds on as Orton looks to strike him, then tries to lock up with him. Orton puts him in a side headlock then knocks him down with a shoulder block then throws him into the corner and hits ten punches on the middle turnbuckle. He drops down and hits an uppercut and whips Dolph across the ring, but Dolph gets an elbow up then hits a dropkick as we go to a commercial. Dolph hits a dropkick when we get back, and he pulls Orton up and hits a neckbreaker then does some sit ups and climbs to the top rope. Orton sweeps his leg and crotches him on the top turnbuckle, then punches Dolph a few times as Vickie watches him and screams as he hits a superplex for two.
Orton hits some clotheslines and a spinning powerslam, then he throws Dolph on the apron and sets up a DDT but Dolph counters with a sleeperhold. He tries to lock it in but Orton snapmares him to break it, then they get back up but Dolph catches him off guard and hits a legdrop bulldog for two. Dolph goes for another sleeperhold but Orton counters and throws him outside, then he throws him into the barricade and follows it with a hanging DDT on the apron. Orton steps back and punches the mat, then hits a RKO for the win and celebrates on the turnbuckle as a pissed off Wade Barrett watches from his skybox.
Winner – Randy Orton