TNA House Show Results (1/20): Worcester, MA.

Jeff Hardy

The following are results from the TNA House Show in Worcester, MA. The report is from Ryan McLeod and

Before show started Don West said the Pope’s glasses had 5,000 dollars worth of diamonds on them. Pope gave them to a fan when he came out, hopefully Janice Carter doesn’t read this.

Eric Young d The Pope – Decent opener, Eric Young is much more fun to see live, crowd was into it, typical comedy match. **1/2

ODB+Brooke d ROsita+Sarita – Another match which had a lot of comedy. Not great but better than I was expecting. Rosita and Sarita carried the match and ODB+Brooke did the best they could. *1/4

Robbie E d Garrett Bischoff – Robbie E was on offense about 80% of the match, Garrett came out to a mixed reaction but as the match went on he gained fan support. Didn’t look that bad, sold pretty well. Robbie did his gimmick and won with the help of Rob Terry. **1/2

Shannon Moore def Kid Kash/Jessie Sorensen – Bad match, sloppy, not much high flying, guys looked confused at points. Seemed like communication issues during the match. *

Intermission- Brooke and ODB were signing autographs.

Mr. Anderson+RVD d Mexican America – When Anderson had the mic a fan yelled Packers Suck, Anderson went silent and in a silent voice said “Well this time you’re right.” Alright match, both teams worked hard, built heat real well. Anarquia looked pretty good during the match.

Jeff Hardy d Christopher Daniels – Daniels called Worcester (War Chester) to get some cheap heat and it worked. Fun match both were very smooth, best Hardy match I have seen since his return. Daniels looked terrific. ***1/2

All around nothing great but an alright show, nobody seemed to go through the motions, which I expected them to do on night one of three straight nights, people went home happy.


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