Florida Championship Wrestling

Former FCW Trainer Becomes Indy Co-Owner, Sid, Reby Sky

WrestleZone.com reader BedOfNailz sent along the following …

Former Florida Championship Wrestling trainer becomes indy promotion co-owner, Sid, Shockmaster, Reby Sky, Papa Shango, and more from east coast independent promotion Pro Wrestling Syndicate

Pro Wrestling Syndicate owner Eric Tapout made the following bombshell announcement earlier today:

PWS is proud to announce it’s new co-owner/promoter Pat Buck! Pat’s background stems from multiple years as a performer for many top name promotions, but will use his expertise to further expand the quality product that PWS will bring to independent wrestling fans.

“For too long I have seen wrestling companies dry up due to lack of budget, poor talent pool, bad booking, mistreatment of fans and workers by promoters, and other factors that can be avoided with proper planning, detailed budget, and sound mind. I am excited to work with PWS founder/owner Eric ‘Tapout’ Pleska and feel that together we will bring the most exciting, creative, and above all quality wrestling product to the Northeast area” – Pat Buck.

Several WWE superstars and trainers weighed in with some words on PWS’ new co-owner Pat Buck:

Zack Ryder – WWE Raw Superstar, Former WWE Tag Team Champion:

“Pat has learned from some of the greatest teachers that professional wrestling has to offer. He is ready, willing, and able to share his knowledge and passion”

Cody Rhodes- WWE Raw, Former WWE Tag Team Champion:

“My very first match was with Pat and he led me through it like a champ. He’s always worked hard and dedicated his life to wrestling”

Santino Marella- WWE Raw Superstar, Former Intercontinental Champion:

“Pat Buck  is a seasoned professional wrestler that for many years has been a true student of the game, Buck has had some of the finest wrestling teachers that the world has to offer, Learning many different philosophies and psycologies from so many great coaches, Buck has the skill set and knowledge base to now teach a variety of student types at various skill levels, his love for the industry combined with his great work ethic, will no doubt allow Pat Buck to be one of the best new instructors wrestling has to offer.:

Steve Keirn – FCW Owner/President/WWE Head of Developmental:

“Pat worked here with us at FCW for over a year and did a great job. He was always on time and went above and beyound in everything he did with us. His work was solid and believable. I will speak for us here at FCW it was a pleasure to have him with us”

Pro Wrestling Syndicate is set to present Super Card 2012 on Friday evening March 9th at The Rahway Rec Center on 275 East Milton Ave in Rahway, NJ. This will be the first time there has been a professional wrestling event in this acclaimed building in over one year. The recent closing of The ECW Arena should signal that buildings with independent wrestling history in the North East are getting fewer and fewer by the year and PWS hopes to provide fans with a fun and exciting event at The Rahway Rec Center on March 9th. With an autograph signing starting at 6pm and live action kicking off at 8pm, here is what’s been revealed thus far for PWS Super Card 2012:

Appearances by: Papa Shango, The Shockmaster, The Godfather, Angelina Love, Shelly Martinez, Opie & Anthony’s Sam Roberts, and Hot 97’s Peter Rosenberg.

PWS HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: “Death Machine” Sami Callihan (c) vs Colt Cabana

SPECIAL CHALLENGE: Psycho Sid Vicious vs ???

DREAM FIGHT I: Davey Richards vs “The Boricua Beast” Dan Maff

DREAM FIGHT II: Necro Butcher vs The Sheik with WWE Hall Of Famer Abdullah The Butcher

PWS TRI STATE TITLE MATCH: Anthony Nese (c) vs “Yours Truly” Alex Reynolds

PWS TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Lone Rangers (c) vs The Powers Of Pain (Warlord & Barbarian)

SUICIDAL SIX WAY – #1 CONTENDER TRI STATE TITLE: Amazing Red vs AR Fox vs Brian XL vs Devon Moore vs Gran Akuma vs Zema Ion

WOMENS TRIPLE THREAT ACTION: Brittney Savage vs Reby Sky vs Spyra Andover

STRONG STYLE SHOWDOWN: Eddie Kingston vs Kevin Matthews

ZERO GRAVITY BATTLE: Brett Gakiya vs CJ Esparza

Tickets are on sale now starting at $20 and can be purchased by calling 1-800-838-3006 or by visiting www.ProWrestlingSyndicate.com


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