WWE RAW Results (1/2) – Punk Defends Against Ziggler, The Person Behind ‘It Begins’ Is Finally Revealed

Elimination Tag Team Match

Big Show, Zack Ryder & John Cena vs Mark Henry, Jack Swagger & Kane

Kane's music starts and his pyro goes off but he doesn't come out, and David Otunga comes out and tells Justin Roberts that Kane is not participating so it will be a handicapped match. Cena scoop slams Swagger then whips him in the corner and hits a dropkick then follows it with a front facelock. Swagger shoves him off the ropes and shoves him to the mat as we go to a commercial, and hits a Swagger Bomb for a two count when we get back. He puts Cena in a front facelock and tries to prevent a tag, but Cena counters with a backdrop and dives to make the tag to Big Show, who hits a corner splash and a shoulderblock off the ropes.

Swagger tags a reluctant Mark Henry, but he gets in Show's face and talks trash and they slug it out before Show drops him with a flying shoulder tackle. Henry rolls out of the ring and grabs a steel chair then tries to swing it, but Show punches it out of his hands and hits Henry with it and the both get disqualified. Zack comes in and hits some flying forearms and follows with the Broski Boot and sets up for the Rough Ryder. Swagger counters by catching him and putting him in the ankle lock, but Zack is able to crawl and get the tag to Cena and he hits a sit out side slam, Five Knuckle Shuffle and the Attitude Adjustment then makes the cover for the win.

Winners – Big Show, Zack Ryder & John Cena

Kane's music and pyro go off again and Cena runs out of the ring to look for him, but Kane tears through the mat and climbs up and chokeslams Zack. Cena turns around and tries to attack but Kane hits him a few times then covers his face to knock him out and he turns back towards the ring. Zack tries to get away but Kane grabs his leg and starts pulling him into the hole, and Cena dives into the ring and pulls Zack away from Kane. They both fall to the mat and stare in disbelief as Cena tells someone to check on Zack's ankle and a huge fireball explodes inside the hole and rises above the ring as RAW goes off the air.