John Cena comes out and says 2011 didn't exactly end the way he wanted, but he wanted to wish everyone a happy new year and says he has some changes in store. He says he will wear less underwear and he banned his father from WWE TV, and his last resolution is to win at Wrestlemania and prove he doesn't have lady parts. Cena says the one thing that won't change is that he will stick to his guns and he won't back down from anyone, and the fans have earned the right to cheer or boo whoever they want. He says he was really disappointed in Kane, and they should really settle the score by having a match, but Kane wants to attack him and get Cena to turn his back on the fans.
Cena says it won't happen tonight or any night because there is no better feeling than performing for the fans and he will take any response he gets. He says he should start the year by thanking all of them for himself and everyone else, but Kane's music cuts him off before he can continue. Kane is heard over the arena speakers and he tells Cena he will experience the power of hate tonight, then laughs hysterically as Cena looks around for him then the ringpost pyro explodes and scares him.
Daniel Bryan vs Cody Rhodes
Cody punches Bryan then gets turned around and kicked in the corner, and Bryan whips him across the ring but Cody trips him up then throws him shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Cody continues to attack the shoulder and puts him in a keylock, then stands up and twist his arm and hits a kidney punch. He tries to whip Bryan into the corner but he gets his foot up and turns around and hits a crossbody drop, but Cody comes back with a drop down punch. Bryan throws him outside then hits a diving clothesline on the floor before rolling Cody back inside, then he goes up top but misses a dropkick and Cody hits Beautiful Disaster for two. They get back up and Cody goes to lock up but Bryan surprises him with a rollup then runs around and celebrates on the announcer's table and barricade.
Winner – Daniel Bryan