Jim Ross Blog: Lesnar Returning To WWE?, Tonight’s Big Raw

Jim Ross

The following are highlights from a new blog by WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross:

JR on Brock Lesnar and WWE: "Will Brock Lesnar return to WWE full time or part time? For those that know Brock well, the answer to this question is actually quite simple. It's NO. Brock dislikes, putting it mildly, traveling. Plus, he doesn't need the money even though he's smart enough to not turn down a big payday if the lay of the land is to his liking. That's why the UFC thing was good for him because he could earn big money by traveling 2-3 times per year to fight."

"I could see Brock doing a major, one off WWE appearance ala a Wrestlemania, but not this year, and doing so while not even making the live Raw events that lead into it. I could also see WWE traveling to Brock to shoot vignettes to build whatever match that he might be booked. For fans who think that Lesnar will return to make a significant amount of TV dates only and then only work a handful or so of PPV's, I hate to burst your bubble, but in my opinion that simply isn't happening."

JR on WWE Raw: "It's a very important Raw tonight in Memphis for a variety of reasons. It's the first event of the New Year, the build to the Royal Rumble begins to a certain degree as the Rumble officially kicks off WM28 promotion, a marquis matchup for the WWE Title between two of WWE's most outstanding, young talents in Punk and Ziggler, the reveal of the mystery person, and follow up on what on how Raw left the air last Monday with Kane's perplexing message to John Cena. Everyone needs to be on top of their game tonight in Memphis."

JR on Lesnar vs. Alistair Overeem at UFC 141: "I finally watched the Lesnar-Overeem fight via DVR as I was in Tempe Friday night while the fight was in progress. It appeared that Brock was not ready mentally and that he seemed tentative to me. This is not a diss on Lesnar as I picked him to win the fight, along with signing him to WWE and will always be in his corner. However if any one can understand what diverticulitis can do to one's body it's me."

Check out the full blog online at JRsBarBQ.com.