MMA “Super Manager” Monte Cox Talks Lesnar/Overeem, More

Brock Lesnar reader Bob Carson sent along the following …

Happy New Year to everyone from Bob Carson and the staff of “Carson’s Corner”! 2011 was certainly an interesting year for both world events and the hall-of-fame combat sports broadcast hosted by “The Thriller” Bob Carson, and we intend to continue expanding and evolving into 2012 as part of the Cage Junkies Radio Network. All the best to all our listeners around the world!

In this, the last Carson’s Corner of 2012, Bob hosts MMA’s first “supermanager” Monte Cox to discuss everything from the Travis Fulton vs. Jeremy Bullock slam at Extreme Challenge to Tim Sylvia vs. Ray Mercer and his own statements that Matt Hughes is “not a compassionate person” based on their time spent living and working together.

Did Hughes accurately represent himself in his occasionally disturbing biography? What did promoter Monte think when it appeared Fulton had nearly KILLED Bullock with a slam? What about Adrenaline MMA, criticism from Zach Arnold’s “Fight Opinion” site and Mercer’s KO of Sylvia? Was Tim really turned down as an opponent by Fedor’s management when they were negotiating with the UFC as Dave Meltzer stated? And who did he pick to win Overeem vs. Lesnar at UFC 141, anyway?

Monte Cox goes head-to-head with Carson once again in another information-heavy interview, but that’s not all – Bob also found time before 2011 ended to discuss the fight career of Strikeforce’s Joe Ray with the man himself, breaking down his recent setbacks, successful reboot fight and plans for the near future. Make sure that you start the new year off the right way by clicking the link to check out the latest CARSON’S CORNER!

To listen to the show, click here!


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