WWE TLC Results (12/18) – New US Champion, New World Champion, Daniel Bryan Cashes In!

Triple Threat Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match for the WWE Championship

Alberto Del Rio vs Miz vs CM Punk

Punk tries to fight both guys off but Miz and Alberto double team him, and Punk hits a few dropkicks but Miz and Alberto hit a double team suplex. They take turns kicking Punk then go out get some ladders, and Ricardo goes after Miz and Alberto hits Miz in the back with a chair then grabs a ladder. Punk dives on him and throws the ladder at him, then gets a chair and brings it in the ring but Miz kicks him and opens the chair and jumps off of it. Punk gets out of the way and hits him with a kneelift and goes for a corner bulldog, but Miz stops him in mid air and throws Punk head first onto the chair. He goes outside but Alberto hits him a few times and throws him into the ladder, then Alberto tries to take the ladder inside but Punk kicks it at him and throws him into the barricade. Punk tries to suplex Alberto through a table but he slides out and attempts a German suplex, only to have Punk counter with a neckbreaker then Miz gets involved again.

Punk fights him off and beats him with a chair, then sits him on the barricade and runs at him and hits a kneelift that sends Miz into the crowd. He slides a ladder into the ring and sets it up to climb it, but Ricardo slides in the ring and grabs Punk's leg, then he handcuffs Punk to the ladder when Punk tries to fight him off. Alberto tries to climb the ladder that Punk is handcuffed to, but Punk kicks the ladder and breaks it, then hits Alberto in the head with the handcuffs but Miz comes in and hits him in the ribs with a ladder. Miz climbs for the title but Punk stops him and attempts a GTS, and Miz blocks it so Punk throws him on the apron and sets up a superplex. Alberto jumps in the ring and hits a jumping enziguiri on the turnbuckle, and Punk falls through a table on the floor then Alberto throws Miz over a table. He uses a ladder to put Miz in the Cross Armbreaker, then takes two chairs and walks over to Punk and hits him with them.

Alberto puts Punk's arm in a chair and applies the Cross Armbreaker, then goes back in the ring and tries to climb a ladder, but Punk and Miz climb back in the ring and tip over the ladder. Alberto crotches on the ropes then falls to the floor and Ricardo tries to climb for the title but Punk and Miz tip the ladder backwards and he crashes through a table on the floor. Punk headbutts Miz a few times and goes for a GTS, then fights off a Skull Crushing Finale attempt and runs at Miz in the corner. Miz moves and Punk hits the ringpost with his shoulder, then Miz handcuffs Punk to the turnbuckle and taunts him, but Punk knocks him out with an enziguiri and tries to take the turnbuckle apart. Miz and Alberto both get ladders and climb for the title, but Punk is able to break free and he jumps on the ladder and knocks them both down. Punk gets near the title but Miz pulls him off the ladder so Punk knocks him out with the GTS, then climbs back up the ladder and pulls his title down from the cable above the ring.

Winner – CM Punk