WWE Smackdown Results (12/16) – TLC Draws Near, Henry Asks Swagger For Help, Orton/Ryder vs Ziggler/Barrett Main Event

Heath Slater vs Ted DiBiase

Ted rolls up Slater a few times then Slater yells at the ref and slaps Ted in the face, but Ted hits him back and throws him outside. He throws Slater into the barricade then high fives a marine and clotheslines him, then rolls him back in the ring. Slater whips him into the opposite corner then stretches him around the ringpost, and goes up top and hits an elbow smash for two. Slater drops his knee into Ted's back then follows with a side Russian leg sweep and goes back to the middle turnbuckle. Ted catches him on the way down and hits an atomic drop, and follows it with a dropkick and clothesline before finishing with Dream Street for the win.

Jinder Mahal attacks him from behind after the bell and punches Ted a few times before putting him in the Camel Clutch. Teddy Long's music starts to play and he comes out and tells him to stop, because he has someone for him to fight if he wants it. Teddy says Jinder has unfinished business with this man and he will have a match with him now, then introduces Sheamus.

Jinder Mahal vs Sheamus

Sheamus locks up and works Jinder into the corner, then smashes his arm across his shoulder and gets a two count, but Jinder comes back with some punches. Sheamus whips him off the ropes then ties him up and tries to club him, but Jinder throws an elbow and Sheamus chases Jinder around the ringside area. He catches Jinder and clubs him, then hits the Battering Ram for a two count and punches him in the corner. Jinder kicks him back and hits some knee lifts and a neckbreaker, then twists his neck and hits him in the chest with his forearm. Sheamus gets pissed off and beats him in the corner, then hits the Irish Curse and follows it with the Brogue Kick for the win.

Winner – Sheamus


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