Christian makes his return to present the "Game Changer" Award and it goes to The Rock for challenging John Cena at next year's Wrestlemania. Cena comes out to accept the award and says this award happened because of a team, and he wants to give credit to the other man and introduces the Rock. Cena makes fun of Rock not being there and says they might have a video clip, then apologizes for Rock no showing and says this award means alot. He says he is having fun and he hopes it makes the Rock prepare for Wrestlemania, because he wants him to be ready since they all know it will be the biggest event in the history of the WWE.
Alberto Del Rio & Miz vs CM Punk & Randy Orton
Punk hiptosses Miz then kicks him on the mat and tags in Orton, who suplexes Miz then whips him into the corner but Miz gets an elbow up and drops Orton. He makes the tag and Alberto chokes Orton near the ropes then dropkicks him in the back of the head and tags Miz back in. Orton makes a brief comeback and knocks Alberto off the apron but Miz hits him from behind and grounds Orton with a side headlock. Orton hits a suplex to get out of it and both men tag out, and Punk comes in with a springboard forearm and corner knee smash, then hits a bulldog for a two count. Punk calls for a GTS but Alberto slides out and he shoves Punk into the ropes, then gets the referee's attention while Miz snaps Punk's head down onto the top rope as we go to a commercial.
When we return, Alberto comes in off of a tag and puts Punk in an elevated armbar, but he hits a few headbutts to get out of it and drops Alberto with a neckbreaker. Miz prevents Punk from tagging out and he kicks him in the chest and tries to hit a big boot but Punk ducks and rolls him up for a two count. Alberto makes the tag and they continue to keep Punk grounded until Miz taunts Orton on the apron then Punk counters a beckbreaker attempt with a heel kick to the head. Punk narrowly misses the tag when Alberto pulls him away and Wade Barrett runs through the crowd and pulls Orton to the floor, then Miz reverses a GTS into a Skull Crushing Finale for the win.
Winners – Alberto Del Rio & Miz