Teddy Long is talking on his phone about the WWE Network but hangs up to flirt with Aksana and she says she is so excited about the network that she wants his help. She asks Teddy to help with a cooking show or a travel show, then Cody interrupts them and demands for a match with Booker T. Teddy says he was thinking the exact same thing, and Cody will meet Booker at TLC and will defend his Intercontinental Championship. Cody asks what she is looking at and leaves, then Teddy apologizes for Cody being rude.
Matt Striker is joined by Randy Orton and Striker tells him the time he has beat and asks for his thoughts. Orton says if Wade was in his head he would know what he is thinking, and Wade actually did Dolph Ziggler a favor tonight. He usually enjoys putting his oppoonents through hell, but he is going to end this one quickly, and he is going to show Wade that he has him right where he wants him.
Dolph Ziggler (w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs Randy Orton
Orton goes right after Dolph with a suplex and gets three very quick near falls, then stomps him in the corner and hits an uppercut. Dolph reverses a whip into the corner but Orton comes back with a clothesline, then Dolph gets up and kicks him in the corner until the ref backs him away. He leapfrogs Orton but gets hit with a clothesline and Orton looks up at the clock then kicks Dolph in the back and whips him into the corner. Dolph elbows him and hits a legdrop bulldog for a two count then tries to lock in a chokehold, then Orton stands up and tries to shake him but Dolph plants him with a DDT for a two count. (Cont'd…)