WWE Smackdown Results (12/9) – Cody Takes Out Booker & Commentates, Beat The Clock Challenge For TLC Stipulations

David Otunga vs Sheamus

Otunga hits Sheamus a few times but he gets knocked to the apron and clubbed in the chest, then Sheamus suplexes him back into the ring and gets a two count. He whips him off the ropes but Otunga clotheslines him then jumps off the middle rope and hits a few elbow drops then follows it with some corner punches and a clothesline. Sheamus smiles and chokes Otunga then throws him in the corner and stomps on him, then hits a short armed clothesline and a powerslam then calls for a Brogue Kick and hits it for the win.

Winner – Sheamus

Daniel Bryan vs Cody Rhodes

Bryan unloads with kicks and punches but Cody catches his leg then hits him in the ribs and whips him off the ropes, then Bryan clotheslines him but Cody headbutts him in the ribs. He whips Bryan into the corner and gets a two count then stomps him in the chest and follows it with a suplex attempt but Bryan floats over. They fight on the ramp until Cody whips him into the corner and Bryan smashes his shoulder and ribs off the ringpost and lands on the floor as we go to a commercial. When we return, Cody has Bryan in an abdominal stretch and uses the ropes for leverage but the ref catches him and makes him break, and Cody gets pissed and starts to tear the tape off of Bryan's ribs.

Cody punches near the ropes and backs up and runs at him, but Bryan backdrops him to the floor then hits a suicide dive that sends them both into the barricade. Cody uses the apron to get up and pulls himself into the ring, but Bryan is right behind him and kicks him in the chest a few times but Cody catches him in the ribs again with a boot. Bryan comes right back with a running dropkick and goes up top but misses a big splash, then Booker T's music hits and he runs out and starts brawling with Cody to cause a disqualification. Booker ends up knocking Cody out of the ring and he backpedals up the ramp as Booker tells Cody to come back in and fight him.

Winner (by disqualification) – Cody Rhodes


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