WWE House Show Results (12/3): Sunrise, Florida

WWE Raw live event (Sunrise, Fla.)

Report by Omar Oquendo and ProWrestling.net

1. Santino Marella pinned Drew McIntyre. Drew was the agressor at the start of the match, pummeling Santino with puches and kicks all over the ring. That got Drew a lot of boos from the crowd. Turning point of the match was when Santino got out of Drew’s bodyslam attempt and connected on a reverse DDT, which excited the crowd. Santino hit the cobra on Drew to score the pinfall. Fun match and lots of cheers for Santino throughout the match.

2. The Uso Brothers pinned Primo and Epico. Primo and Epico did lots of double team work on Jimmy Uso at the start of the match. Usos made their run when Jey finally got a hot tag. Jey attacked Primo with a flying headbutt off the ropes. The finish of the match was when Jey connected on a flying splash onto Epico to pick up the win. Good effort by all four men.

3. Skip Sheffield pinned Alex Riley. Glad to see that Sheffield has recovered from his ankle injury he suffered last year and is back in action. Loud “Goldberg” chants from the crowd when Sheffield attacked Riley at the start of the match. Riley came back with an arm drag, running clothesline and a DDT from the second ropes. Sheffield threw Riley out to the floor where they mixed it up for a bit. Finish of the match was when Sheffield connected on a spear and a running clothesline to score the pinfall. Good match by both men. Post match, Dolph Ziggler came out and hit the Zig Zag on Riley. Wondering if this might be a future storyline in the works between Ziggler and Riley.

4. Mason Ryan pinned Jack Swagger. The start of the match saw Ryan connect on a clothesline to Swagger, and the Swagger connected on a forearm shot to the back of Ryan. Later on, Swagger broke out of a full nelson attempt by Ryan by swinging Ryan into the top ropes. It didn’t take long for Ryan to get his second wind, as he soon hit a running clothesline and boot to the face. Finish of the match was when Ryan hit his finisher, The House of Pain, to score the pinfall. Ok match, could have been a bit better.

5. John Cena pinned The Miz in a street fight. Before the start of the match, Miz cut a generic promo, saying how he’s awesome, etc. We’ve all heard it before. Cena came out to lots of cheers and some boos. Miz sneak attacked Cena to start the match. Chants of “Let’s go Cena, CENA SUCKS!!!” could be heard at the start of the match. Lots of rapid back and forth action on this match by both men, both inside and outside the ring. Cena threw Miz into the steel steps and into a steel pole placed near the entrance ramp.

Miz and Cena took the action back inside the ring. Miz grabbed a mic and hit Cena on the top of the head. It is a street fight, so anything goes. While Cena was down, Miz removed the padding that covers one of the turnbuckles. That led to Cena getting his hands on that same mic and hit Miz with it on his head. The finish of the match was when Miz missed on hitting Cena in the corner and running into the exposed turnbuckle. Cena did his 5 moves of doom and eventually scored the pinfall when he connected on the AA on Miz. Fun match and good effort by both men.

Eden Stiles conducted a dance contest between four randomly selected fans from the audience. All four fans received a free t-shirt. A kid wearing a John Cena t-shirt and cap won the contest and got a backstage tour of the WWE locker room. This led to a 10 minute intermission.

6. Beth Phoenix pinned Eve Torres to retain the WWE Divas Championship. Beth and Eve went toe to toe from the opening bell, and it briefly spilled outside the ring. Beth threw a tirade at the referee accusing him of making slow counts on several pinfall attempts. Eve surprised her with a rollup attempt, but shortly thereafter, Beth connected on the glam slam to score the pinfall. Ok match, most of the same moves they’ve done on tv throughout their feud. Nothing new.

7. Dolph Ziggler pinned Evan Bourne to retain the WWE US Championship. Before this match started, Ziggler cut a promo saying that he’s the best person to come out of Hollywood, FL and how everyone in the arena is ready to see their hometown hero win tonight. Crowd started cheering “We Want Ryder” but Ziggler said that Ryder was not showing up tonight. Evan Bourne came out, and the crowd gave him a nice response. Good to see Evan back from his 30 day suspension. Ziggler did a lot of stalling at the start of the match by rolling out of the ring.

Evan connected on several spinning kicks to Ziggler, but then Ziggler connected on a drop kick to the face. Ziggler was smiling and bragging as part of his show off gimmick while Bourne was down. Finish of the match was when Ziggler hit a leg drop to Bourne’s face, and Ziggler scored the pinfall with both of his feet on the ropes and the referee never saw it. Cheap finish to an otherwise pretty good match. Post match, Ziggler kept attacking Bourne, but then Zack Ryder ran out and hit his Rough Ryder onto Ziggler. Ryder held Ziggler down on the mat while Bourne climbed the ropes to hit the shooting star press. Ryder and Bourne got lots of cheers from the crowd.

8. CM Punk pinned Alberto Del Rio to retain the WWE Championship. Ricardo Rodriguez was in the ring to introduce Alberto Del Rio, who got a lot of boos from the crowd. CM Punk came out to a thunderous ovation from the crowd. Crowd also started cheering “We want ice cream” to Punk. Lots of rapid fire action by both Punk and Del Rio as they both exchanged kicks and punches inside the ring. Punk clotheslined Del Rio outside the ring, and then Punk dove onto Del Rio and Rodriguez outside the ring.

Once back inside the ring, Del Rio connected on a forearm shot to the face off the top rope. Del Rio connected on a backcracker and started working on the arm to set him up for the cross arm breaker. Punk broke out of Del Rio’s two attempts at the cross arm breaker and fought back and hit a neckbreaker followed by a running bulldog on the mat. Late in the match, Punk was going to send Del Rio to a corner, but Del Rio collided with the referee. Punk was climbing the ropes, but Ricardo took a swipe at Punk’s feet to trip him up. Ricardo was punching Punk at his back, but Punk no sold it. Punk started hulking up and connected on three punches to Ricardo and hit the leg drop Hulk Hogan used to do. That got lots of cheers from the crowd. Finish of the match was when Punk hit the GTS on Del Rio and the referee got up and scored the pinfall win for Punk. Best match of the night. Crowd loved this match. Everybody went home happy.

Final Thoughs: This was a great house show from start to finish. Going into the show, hearing that this crew held shows at Japan back on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, I though jetlag was going to take its toll on them. However, that did not turn out to be the case. Great effort by everyone tonight. Small crowd on hand (estimating roughly 2,000 in attendance), but vocal enough to bring energy to the show. Overall, fun night. Can’t wait for Cena vs Rock at Wrestlemania 28 at Sun Life Stadium in four months from now.


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