All I Want For Christmas Battle Royal
Hornswoggle climbs under the ring as the bell rings and Darren Young is the first man eliminated and he is followed by an Uso brother and JTG. Slater and Titus attack Curt Hawkins in the corner then Gabriel tries to shove him out, but he slides back in only to be thrown out by Zeke. He faces off with Sheamus as other fights go on around them, then Sheamus clubs him in the back but Zeke slides out of a powerslam then sets up for a lariat. Sheamus reverses it and eliminates him and sends Johnny Curtis next, and the other Uso, Kofi and Yoshi all go out in succession. Tyson holds the ropes and uses a headscissors to eliminate DiBiase then tries to skin the cat but Hornswoggle appears and pulls Tyson off the apron to eliminate him.
We get back after a commercial and six men are left as Jinder counters a springboard attempt and throws Gabriel out, then Titus drops Reks with the Clash of the Titus. He taunts a bit then gets tossed by Sheamus, then he is knocked down an attacked by Slater and Jinder but he rebounds quickly. Reks tries to attack him but Sheamus backs him off and they go through the middle ropes and fight on the floor, then everyone follows and they throw Sheamus into the barricade. Jinder, Reks and Slater get back in the ring and try to talk strategy with each other before going after Hornswoggle, and they bring him back in the ring and surround him.
Hornswoggle tries running away but Slater shoves him to the mat then they attempt to toss him over the top rope but Sheamus runs back in and eliminates Reks and Jinder, then hits Slater with a Brogue Kick that sends him crashing to the floor. Sheamus turns around and sees Hornswoggle telling him to bring it, then Sheamus tells him to get out of the ring and Hornswoggle says, no you get out. He kicks Sheamus in the legs and runs at him, but Sheamus catches him and tries to lower him to the floor. Hornswoggle holds on to the ropes and Sheamus tries to reason with him, then Hornswoggle asks for help and shoves Sheamus off the apron to win the match. Sheamus is initially angry and chases him, but he eventually shakes hands and laughs as Hornswoggle celebrates and claps in the ring.
Winner – Hornswoggle