WWE RAW Results (11/28) – John Cena Visits Piper’s Pit, Is Punk’s First Title Defense Successful?

Jack Swagger (w Vickie Guerrero) vs Zack Ryder

Swagger takes Zack down with a waistlock then jogs around the ring but Zack punches him a few times and hits a forearm smash. Swagger comes back with a side slam for two then punches Zack until the ref backs him off, and he hits a legdrop then applies a hammerlock. Zack gets to his feet but Swagger punches him and reapplies the hold, then Zack gets back up and punches his way out and hits a neckbreaker for two. Swagger goes for a gutwrench but Zack floats over and gets an elbow up, then goes up top but Swagger catches him and bodyslams him near the corner. He goes for a Swagger Bomb but Zack trips him near the ropes, then kicks him and hits the Rough Ryder for the win.

Winner – Zack Ryder

Mick Foley comes out dressed like Santa Claus and he tells everyone a tale about a plan for tomorrow's Smackdown special. He rhymes and includes some superstars and the cage match, then ends by saying he will see them tomorrow night. He leaves and goes backstage as Josh Mathews catches up with CM Punk and asks him what he thinks about the stipulation to his title match tonight. Punk says he is going to retain his title then tell John to kiss his bottom after the match. He says he meant kiss his ass, then walks away but stops and says just so he doesn't get disqualified he yells kiss my ass and heads to the ring.

WWE Championship Match

Alberto Del Rio vs CM Punk (c)

Punk takes over Alberto with a high arm drag, but Alberto counters with an armbar then Punk makes it to his feet and monkey flips Alberto. Punk gets put in a side headlock then he shoves Alberto off the ropes but he gets knocked down with a shoulder block and put in an elevated armbar. Punk pushes Alberto to the ropes and gets knocked down with another shoulder block, but he rebounds and knocks Alberto to the mat. He clotheslines him out of the ring the hits a suicide dive on the floor as we go to a commercial. (Cont'd…)