Impact Wrestling Results (11/24) – Turkey Suits, Lingerie & Big 8 Man Elimination Match

Loser Wears A Turkey Suit Challenge
Robbie E (w/ Robbie T) vs Eric Young

EY walks around the ringside area with the suit and Robbie attacks him from behind then rolls EY in and beats up the suit. He throws it at the ref then hits a side Russian leg sweep, and goes up top and hits a fist drop for a two. Robbie yells at the ref because he is using the suit to count, and he goes punch for punch with EY, then gets dropped with a kneelift. EY goes up top and leapfrogs Robbie, then hits a belly-to-belly and does the chicken dance, and the ref does it with him and turns around and misses Robbie hit EY with something. The ref makes the count but finds the pipe Robbie used, and orders the match to be restarted. He screams at the ref and runs at him, but hits the turnbuckle headifrst then EY hits a piledriver for the win.

EY says he loves to give to the people, but he has some bad news because it looks like Robbie E won't be able to get up and put on the suit. He says they will find a replacement and turns to Rob Terry and he gets pissed off, but Rudy Charles tells him to put it on or Robbie E will be stripped of his Television title. Terry reluctantly takes it, then puts it on and chases EY around the ring and to the back as Robbie E starts to wake up on the mat.

Winner – Eric Young

8 Man Tag Team Match
Team Storm: Jeff Hardy, AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam & Mr. Anderson vs
Team Angle: Jeff Jarrett, Bully Ray, Christopher Daniels & Bobby Roode

(Note: Jeff Hardy is scratched from the earlier attack, and Roode starts the match doing commentary)

Daniels attacks AJ in the corner, but AJ retaliates with some kicks and armdrags Jarrett and tags in Anderson, who hits a couple of hiptosses and gets a near fall. Jarrett tags Bully Ray and he elbows Anderson and hits a suplex, then tags in Daniels and he connects with a heel kick for two, then slugs it out with Anderson but he gets hit with a rolling fireman's carry slam for another near fall. RVD comes in and gets attacked in the corner, and Jarrett whips him into the turnbuckles and Ray hits a big splash. RVD elbows his way out only to get knocked right back down, and Team Angle continues to use quick tags to keep RVD grounded. (Cont'd…)


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