WWE Survivor Series Results (11/20) – New WWE Champion, Did The Rock & John Cena Work Together?

Alberto backs up near the ropes and goes for a leg lariat, but Punk slides out of the way and Alberto crashes to the floor and Ricardo says he is hurt. Alberto makes it to his feet and snaps Punk's head off the ropes, but Punk hits a big boot as he gets back in the ring and they trade kicks and punches when they get up. Punk whips Alberto off the ropes and hits a heel kick then gets a neckbreaker for two, and follows it with a corner kick and a bulldog for two. Punk hits a springboard forearm shot for another near fall, then calls for the GTS but Alberto drops him with a Backstabber for a two count. He tries another rollup before trying a running knee, but Alberto counters and hits an enziguiri in the corner then jumps down on Punk's shoulder but only gets a two count. 

Alberto sets Punk up on the top turnbuckle and attempts a superplex, but Punk headbutts him away and stands up, only to have Alberto pop up and crotch him on the turnbuckle. He kicks Punk in the shoulder and charges him, but Punk sits up and Alberto hits the ringpost, then Punk gets back up and hits a flying elbow drop for two. He calls for the GTS but Alberto counters and locks in the Cross Armbreaker, but Punk gets his feet on the rope and both guys are slow to get up. Alberto charges him but Punk gets him up for the GTS, then Alberto slides out and shoves him away towards Ricardo, who was on the apron. Punk kicks him in the head and Alberto tries to roll up Punk from behind and holds the tights, but Punk kicks out and kicks him in the side of the head and goes for a cover. Alberto kicks out and Punk catches him arm to lock him in the Anaconda Vice, and gets Alberto to tap out and wins the title.

Winner and NEW WWE Champion – CM Punk

Awesome Truth vs John Cena & The Rock

Rock starts off with Miz and they lock up and Rock hits a shoulder block and a few arm drags, then Truth tries to interfere but he gets thrown to the floor. Rock goes for a roll up and Miz goes out to the floor and talks to Truth then rolls back in and tags Truth as the Rock tells him to bring it. Rock applies a headlock then reverses an armdrag and ducks Truth, then punches both Truth and Miz and hits a fisherman's suplex for two. Cena runs in to knock Miz off the apron and the ref misses the count and Rock and Cena have words before Miz asks for the tag again. He gets in and mouths off and says he wants Cena, and Rock turns and sarcastically makes the tag. (cont'd…)