Impact Wrestling Results (11/17) – New Tag Team Champions, James Storm Finds His Attacker

Jeff Hardy comes to the ring and says it is great to be back on Impact because the fans have always been there, and he promises to always be there for them. He says it is about time to set his sites on the World Championship, but Karen Jarrett comes down and asks him if he is serious. She says she came out there to put him in his place and if he thinks he is going to beg for forgiveness he is mistaken because that is not what a man does. Karen slaps him and tells him to pay attention because she isn't out there for Jeff Jarrett and she wants to remind him of his second chances, then says she is friends with Hardy's wife and says they talked about alot of things.

Karen tells him they weren't really friends and she played the political game to gain her trust, but says she knows details then implies Hardy's wife told her he wasn't man enough and begs him to hit her. Hardy tells her he won fairly then blocks a slap, and turns around and avoids Jeff Jarrett but Karen grabs his leg to try and stop him. Hardy gets out of it and sends Jarrett out of the ring and Karen leaves with her husband as Hardy celebrates in the ring.

TNA Tag Team Championship
Matt Morgan & Crimson vs Mexican America (c)

Crimson hits a shoulder block and an elbow, then hits a suplex for a two count and follows it with some knee lifts and a neckbreaker. Sarita and Rosita cause a distraction and Hernandez hits Crimson with a clothesline, then legdrops him on the ropes and tags in Anarchia. They use quick tags to keep Crimson grounded and Hernandez hits a diving shoulder block when Crimson tries to get up. He follows with a corner splash and whips Crimson across the ring, but Crimson rebounds out of the corner and hits a spear then tags Morgan. He clotheslines Anrachia then hits a fallway slam on Hernandez, and hits running elbows on both before chokeslamming Anarchia. Hernandez breaks up a pin attempt but Morgan clotheslines both of them and Crimson clotheslines Hernandez out of the ring. He hits Anarchia with an exploder suplex, then Morgan waits for him to get up and hits the Carbon Footprint and makes the cover.

Winners and NEW Tag Team Champions – Matt Morgan & Crimson


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