Turning Point

Impact Wrestling Results (11/10) – Storm/Roode Rematch, Turning Point Championship Main Event Announced

TNA World Heavyweight Championship
James Storm vs Bobby Roode (c)

Roode makes his way out first and waits for Storm, but he doesn’t come out and Roode starts to laugh in the ring. Storm’s music starts playing again and Roode dares him to come out, and a bloodied Storm comes out to the ramp and staggers his way down the ramp. He runs to the ring and takes Roode down and punches away at him, then whips him in the corner and hits a big back drop. Storm goes to follow it up but ends up passing out on the mat and the referee throws up the ‘X’ and calls for trainers to come out.

Roode stops and stands in the corner while a trainer says he tried to stop him and Storm needs to go to the hospital. Roode shows concern and says he is not going to hurt him, then he helps the ref pick up Storm and asks if the match is over. The ref says he never rang the bell and Roode shrugs his shoulders then rolls him up and runs up the ramp with his title as AJ Styles runs out to protect Storm. He screams at Roode and says he isn’t passed out and bleeding so he dares him to come back to the ring. AJ says he has a better idea, and tells Sting he wants Roode at Turning Point. Sting says if he wants it, he has the match and Roode flips out on the ramp as Impact ends.

Winner – Bobby Roode


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