Turning Point

Impact Wrestling Results (11/10) – Storm/Roode Rematch, Turning Point Championship Main Event Announced

AJ rushes Daniels in the corner but almost gets rolled up and Daniels argues with the ref then brings AJ in the middle to try and set up Angel’s Wings. AJ counters and jumps off the middle turnbuckle with a springboard inverted DDT then knocks Daniels down with some elbows and a flying clothesline. He goes to the apron and hits a springboard forearm smash, then hits the Pele kick but Daniels gets his foot on the ropes to break the pin attempt. Daniels goes outside and AJ follows him then tries to leap off the apron but Daniels catches him and slams him into the guardrail and rolls him inside. He tries to get a screwdriver from under the ring but RVD runs out and takes it from him, and AJ hits a fireman’s carry backbreaker then follows it with a Styles Clash for the win.

Winner – AJ Styles

Six Man Tag Team Match
Jeff Jarrett, Scott Steiner & Bully Ray vs Jeff Hardy, Ken Anderson & Abyss

Jarrett avoids Abyss and shoves Hardy on the apron then says he is smarter than them, so Abyss tags in Hardy and Jarrett runs out of the ring. Steiner tags in and punches Hardy in the corner then hiptosses him and kicks him in the back then calls the fans trash. Hardy slides out of a powerslam attempt and kicks him in the face, then tags in Anderson, and he whips Jarrett off the ropes but Jarrett reverses it and Bully Ray elbows him in the head. Ray tags in and drops some elbows and gets a two count, then Steiner gets back in and hits a clothesline and an elbow drop. Anderson hits a desperation clothesline out of the corner and he gets the tag to Hardy, who unloads on all three opponents then hits a top rope leg drop on Ray.

Hardy tries going back up top but Jarrett grabs his foot, and Steiner goes up top and hits a fallaway slam and allows Ray to make a cover. Hardy kicks out and Ray applies a bodyscissors but Hardy elbows his way out of it, only to have Ray throw an elbow and make the tag to Jarrett. He comes in and attacks Hardy in the corner then whips him across the ring but Hardy counters with a Whisper In The Wind and gets the tag to Abyss. He gets in as Jarrett tags Steiner, but Abyss clotheslines everyone then avoids The Stroke by Jarrett and hits Shock Treatment. Ray clotheslines him out of the ring but Hardy comes in and hits a Twist of Fate and a Swanton then everyone hits their finisher before Abyss gets back in and hits Steiner with the Black Hole Slam.

Winners – Abyss, Ken Anderson & Jeff Hardy


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