Thanks to Kris for sending in the following report from the WWE live event in Brussels, Belgium.
Crowd capacity +/-9000
First match Daniel Bryan beat Tyson Kidd
I thought they were both working face untill the crowd started to boo Tyson Kidd. Kidd then started working as his normal heel self tried to shake Bryan's hand and kicked him in the gut. Great submission wrestling by both of them. Kidd was in control of the match finish came with an attempted sharpshooter reversed into the LeBell Lock for the submission victory.
Brodus Clay beat Justin Gabriel
Justin started out with some kicks but was quickly taken over by the power of Brodus. Clay tried some splashes into the corner but missed all except the last one. Brodus tried several pin falls but were all 2 counts. Clay went for another splash en hit his head on the turnbuckle Gabriel came strong with some kicks and teased the 450. Brodus caught one the kicks and hit a body slam and picked up the win.
Ezekiel Jackson beat Jinder Mahal
Jinder came out first and tried to cut a promo in punjabi but after his first line he was interrupted by the music of Jackson. Mahal tried to hold his own in the lock up but got overpowered then he targeted Zeke's right knee. He then choked zeke on the rope's but Jackson fed off the crowd. He hit some closelines into the corner to finish it off he shot jinder off into the ropes and straight into the torture rack for the submission
Note: the tapout came as soon as Zeke applied the torture rack
Sin Cara vs Yoshi tatsu ==> turned into Hunico beats Yoshi Tatsu
Cara took a sign out of the crowd and ripped it a part and tore the shirt Hulk Hogan style
it was Hunico. Hunico cut a long promo about how we were fools to believe Sin Cara was in Belguim and that he had put him in a hospital.
A lot of taunting by both men. Yoshi got quite the pop from the crowd as Hunico was treated to a mixed reaction.
Hunico started with a cheap shot to the back of Tatsu when he was pandering the crowd Yoshi reversed and got WOOOO's from the crowd when he did the knife edge chops. After that Hunico had firm control over the match . Yoshi tried his top rope flat spin kick but missed Hunico hit his swanton bomb and got the 3 count.
Sheamus beat Christian
Christian came out and said he had some good news and some bad news. The bad news was last friday night (the tapings of last tuesday) he got chokeslammed by Big Show for no good reason and thats why he was wearing a neck brace. He got cheers when he mentioned Big Show chokeslammed him so he got mad and told us the good news was he didn't want to come to Belguim, so he was going to leave the arena and go home. He left the ring and tried to go backstage but out comes Sheamus to stop him. To start the match, Sheamus took off the brace and played catch it if you can. After 4 attempts the ref took it away from Sheamus and the match started. The match was cut short when Christian injured his knee when he tried to slide under Sheamus (this is legit as he trapped his knee on the mat). Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick for the win. After the match Sheamus took the time to go and greet the fans around ringside give autographs.
Alicia Fox Beat Natalya
Special Referee was Aksana who was appointed by Theodore Long. I was hoping for AJ. Natalya started off strong but was thrown out of the ring and even lost some fake hair. Natalya applied the surfboard onto fox then whipped her into the corner Alicia got onto the top turnbuckle and sunset flip into the rollup for the 3.
Ted Dibiase Jr and Randy Orton beat Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett
Cody came out and said we disrespected him and said he is the Intercontinental champion and it is the international sign of greatness. He even spoke the words "ik ben de beste" wich got a pop from the flemish speaking audiance. The words mean I'm the best. Through the promo he said we still didn't respect him and went on and said"ik verdien respect" wich is flemish for "I Deserve Respect." Then Wade Barrett was introduced and got the same treatment as Cody. DiBiase was anounced and got the silenct treatment. Orton was revealed and got the biggest pop of the night. It was a 40 minute tag match and the match of the night. It started out as Cody vs Ted and Ted got the best of it. The tag to Orton was made but Cody slipped out and tagged in Barrett. Wade took over quickly and was trying to get the crowd behind him but was treated with RKO chants. Randy got to DiBiase when he met Cody with a closeline.
Dibiasi took over by storm and even tried several pin falls. He shot off cody but was met with a beautiful disaster The finish came when Orton tried to RKO Barrett but was shoved into the turnbuckle, was lifted up for wasteland countered out with elbows Cody intervened by throwing out Orton
Cody was met with a Dream Street by DiBiase but the latter got a boot to the face. Orton slipped in and RKO'd Barrett for the win. The crowd went crazy.
Main Event Big Show beats Mark Henry(c) by DQ
Very slow match. Henry kept trying to run away. They did some a lot of technical moves which you don't from heavyweights that often.
Henry was then shoved into the ropes. They got into a slug fest and some body slams by both which some saw the ring coming of the ground, it left the crowd in awe. Henry rolled out of the ring and when show tried to go to the outside Henry slammed the chair into the Big Show so came the DQ.
Rhodes and Barrett came out and attacked the Big Show after a few minutes Orton and Sheamus came out cleared the ring and sent the crowd home happy.
Biggest pops :
- Orton
- Sheamus
- Daniel Bryan
biggest heat:
- Cody Rhodes
- Christian
- Tyson Kidd
My first WWE event as we only get like 2 a year so I was happy to see it in person and it was awesome.