Jack Swagger vs Santino Marella
Swagger takes Santino to the mat and throws some elbows into his ribs, then mocks him by doing pushups and whips him into the corner. He hits a clothesline in the corner then tries again but Santino gets a boot up and mounts some offense with some punches. Swagger knocks him down then does more pushups, but Santino hiptosses him then hits a standing splash for a two count. Swagger sweeps his legs then applies the ankle lock, but Santino rolls through and sends Swagger into the corner. Beaker runs out and gives him the energy drink from earlier, and Santino drinks some but starts to choke on it. Swagger hits him and Santino spits it in his face, then he rolls up Swagger for the three count and runs up the ramp trumpet walking and flexing for the crowd.
Winner – Santino Marella
Zack Ryder vs Dolph Ziggler
Dolph hits a clothesline but Zack ducks him and hits some clotheslines and goes for a roll up, but Dolph kicks out then punches him in the corner. Zack shoves him away and hits another clothesline, then gets an elbow up and hits a missile dropkick from the middle turnbuckle. Dolph rolls outside and Zack measures him up, then leaps over the ropes onto him and Vickie screams for him to get up as we go to a break. When we return, Dolph drops an elbow on Zack then hits a neckbreaker, but gets caught on a dropkick attempt and Zack slingshots him into the turnbuckle.
Zack punches him a few times in the corner, then pumps it up and hits the Broski Boot for a two count. He lifts Dolph up and gets knocked into the corner with a jawbreaker, but Zack hits a double knee lift and goes for a cover. Dolph gets his foot on the ropes at the three count and the ref waives off the pin and says the match continues. Zack chases him around the ring and Vickie grabs his foot as he tries to get in, and Dolph kicks him in the head while he is turned towards Vickie. Zack falls to the mat, then Dolph waits behind him and sets up for the Zig Zag, but Zack holds on to the ropes then turns around and hits the Rough Ryder for the win.
Winner – Zack Ryder