All of the Superstars and Divas make their way out to the ring followed by some referees and they wait for HHH to make his entrance. He makes his entrance and says he is there for a vote of confidence, so everyone will get to speak their minds, but he has some things he wants to say first. He knows this job is harder than it seemed, but he was given this job and he isn't buying Miz and Truth being sorry for what they did. He tells them they are babies and should accept their punishment, because he isn't even mad about what they did. HHH says he is an old school guy and likes watching people beat each other up, and at the end of the day he is doing it to make the fans happy.
He says he is trying to make sure RAW is the best show it can be, and he works his ass off every week for the fans. Now he says he is done speaking and asks what the superstars think, and Wade Barrett is the first to speak. He think HHH created an unsafe working environment for them, and they came to WWE to be professionals and competitors, not to be assaulted in the parking lot by outsiders. Wade calls him a hypocrite for enjoying the chaos and says he even puts his hands on his employees, and says he is out of line. HHH calls him a hypocrite and says Wade came in and did the same thing with Nexus, and he is just pissed because he isn't the one causing the problems anymore.
The referees talk about never seeing this much chaos before and that they are being assaulted by Superstars, then Beth speaks for the Divas and says they are afraid someone might even attack them. Jerry Lawler gets in the ring and says he agrees that the show is getting out of control, but he doesn't think it is HHH's fault and someone is behind the conspiracy. King tells him he is in charge, and everyone at ringside is suffering the consequences, so like it or not he is responsible. Christian, Beth and the referees all say they have no confidence, and King agrees and says he doesn't know about anyone else but he is reluctantly walking out.
The rest of the Superstars at ringside follow him out except for a group including Air Boom, Zack Ryder and and Alex Riley, but they too eventually leave and Booker T and Michael Cole follow them. The fans chant for HHH as the camera crew drops their equipment and leaves him in the ring alone, as Jim Ross is the final person still there. He reluctantly gets up and leaves, and HHH stares into the audience as John Laurinitis comes out and shakes his head disapprovingly.