When we return, Kofi misses a crossbody on the top rope and Cody gets a two count after a Beautiful Disaster. Alberto tags in and hits him in the back of the head with a dropkick, then tags in Christian who hits a neckbreaker. Christian keeps him grounded then taunts the other corner so Swagger can get a few cheap shots in off the illegal tag. He leaves the ring as Dolph gets in and hits a dropkick then puts Kofi in a single armed chicken and tags in Cody. He throws Kofi outside and tries whipping him into the barricade, but Kofi reverses and sends Cody into the wall. He tries making a tag but Christian prevents it as he taunts Sheamus from the other side of the ring.
Dolph taunts Kofi then misses a jumping elbow drop, and he stops him from making a tag by running him into his corner and making a tag to Otunga. He bodyslams Kofi and tags Dolph back in, but Kofi ducks then hits a crossbody off the ropes and finally gets the tag to Bourne. He goes off on Dolph and Swagger with some kicks, then goes up top and hits Air Bourne but Vickie puts Swagger's foot on the rope. The ref tries to throw her out and she flips out on him before finally leaving, then Christian isolates Bourne in the corner and steps on his back to choke him on the ropes. He puts Bourne in a front facelock then brings him over to Alberto, who hits a tilt a whirl backbreaker for a two count.Bourne surprises Alberto with a tornado DDT and he makes the tag to Cena, who hits a sit out side slam and the Five Knuckle Shuffle.
He lifts Alberto for the AA but drops him when Alberto attacks his arm and tags out for a bit, then demands to get back in and tries to make a cover, then throws Cena in the corner and tags Swagger back in. He goes for a Swagger Bomb and gets a two count, then he punches Cena in the corner and whips him in to the turnbuckle across the ring. He goes for another Swagger Bomb but Cena rolls out of the way and tags in Sheamus, who clotheslines Dolph then hits a running knee smash and goes up top. He gets shoved off by Christian and gets taken out by a spear, and it starts to get crazy here as Bourne and Cody fight while Mason gets thrown out of the ring. Everyone takes turns hitting their finishers on each other until Dolph hits Cena with the Zig Zag, and Sheamus hits him with the Brogue Kick for the win.
Winners – John Cena, Sheamus, Mason Ryan, CM Punk & Air Boom