Both are up and Roode grabs AJ for a back suplex, but AJ lands on his feet as he is behind Roode. AJ pushes Roode in the ropes. He goes for a dropkick, but Roode holds on the ropes and AJ lands on his chest. It's a back and forth battle. AJ gets up and he applies another headlock. Roode gets out of it as both try for hiptoss. Roode lifts AJ up and over the ropes for the hiptoss. AJ lands on the apron and comes back in. Roode grabs AJ and drops him down right on his knee. It hurt Roode's leg as well as AJ's gut. Both get up and AJ knocks Roode back as he goes through the ropes. Both try to regroup. Roode gets on the apron. AJ goes to him. He brings him in the ring as he attacks the knee of Roode.
AJ applies a great submission move of a death lock with a chin lock. AJ releases it and Roode gets up in the corner. AJ goes to him, but Roode is trying to fight back with kicks. AJ fights back with punches, but Roode now does strikes of his own. They go back and forth, but one kick knocks both of them down. Both slowly get up and Roode slams AJ down on the mat. Roode gets AJ up in the corner. He puts him on the top corner. Roode goes to climb, but AJ fights back. Roode his AJ with a hard strike and he falls off the corner. AJ lands on the apron. He goes for a springboard one and hits it successfully.
He covers, but only gets a two. AJ gets him up and his a backbreaker. AJ goes to the apron again and goes for the 450 springboard splash, but Roode misses. Roode gets up and grabs AJ, but AJ gets out of it and goes for the Styles' Clash. Roode tries to lift AJ for a back body drop, but AJ turns it into a pinball, but Roode kicks out. AJ goes for a payday after both are up, but Roode side steps and AJ lands n his chest. Roode locks in the crossface and AJ taps. Both get up and they hug. AJ then tells Roode that he is ready and will be the next world champion. The match has the "Direct Impact Of the Night" as well as the match of the night.
Winner – Bobby Roode