Impact Wrestling Results (9/29) – X Division Ladder Match for BFG Title Shot, Hogan Makes A Major Announcement

He goes outside and keeps the momentum. Ken tries to fight back, but Pope slams his face in the ring apron. Ken tries again as he whips Pope in the railing, but Pope stops. Pope turns around and gets closelined by Ken. Ken goes after Pope as he gets up by Devon's sons. Just then, they get in the face of Ken and then push him. Ken backs away as the referee tells him. Devon runs down and tries to set his sons straight. Ken is in the ring watching this whole thing. Just then, Bully Ray comes out from the crowd. He has a kendo stick as he hits Ken right in the back with it. Ken falls in pain as Bully slides out and runs away. Pope gets in after Devon settles his sons down. Pope covers Ken and gets the win.

Winner – The Pope

Bobby Roode is backstage. He is sitting down. He says he is thinking about the world title, but he is also thinking of AJ as he needs to be focused on AJ. He needs to beat AJ and if he does, he knows he is his very best and he will be able to fight and beat Angle for the title. Nothing and no one is going to stop Roode to catching his dream. Elsewhere, Devon is backstage with Pope and his own kids. Devon is yelling at Pope. He asks him what he is doing. He says they need to be on the same page for once. Devon's sons try to talk, but he slams them down as he tells them to shut up. Devon tells Pope that everything is fine, but he wants some control. He tells Pope to not let this happen again! Devon pushes his kids to get out of the area.

 AJ Styles vs. Bobby Roode

The referee calls for the bell! Here we go. Both walk around the ring and then lock-up. AJ works on the arm of Roode and then applies a headlock. Roode brings Styles down to his knee and then gets out of the hold as Roode applies the armlock. AJ gets out of it and applies a headlock on Roode again. He takes him over this time on the mat. Roode gets out of it. They stand, but AJ locks it in again and takes him down. Both get up and Roode pushes AJ chest first in the corner. Roode pushes AJ back as he is sitting on the mat. Roode goes to snap his neck, but AJ gets out of the situation. (continued…)


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