Angle rolls Storm back in and applies a chinlock, and knees Storm in the stomach when he tries to break free. He whips him off the ropes, but Storm ducks and leaps at Angle and they both tried for a cross body and knock each other down. The ref starts a ten count, but Storm gets back up and nails Angle with a Backcracker for a two count. He chops Angle in the corner, then kicks Angle in the face but Angle comes right back with a belly to belly suplex. Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Storm counters, and Kurt catches his leg and puts him in the Ankle Lock in the middle of the ring. Storm rolls Angle up and almost gets a pin but Kurt kicks out at two.
Storm throws Angle shoulder first into the ringpost, then punches him in the head and bodyslams him and sets up for the Last Call. Angle blocks it and counters with a German suplex, then follows it with two more and makes a cover, but Storm kicks out. Angle goes to the top rope and attempts a moonsault, but Storm rolls out of the way and Kurt crashes to the mat and holds his stomach in pain. Storm is next to go up top, and Angle runs up the ropes and tries to suplex him, but Storm bites his head and shoves him off, then hits a top rope elbow drop for another two count. They get up and go punch for punch then Storm goes for the Eye of the Storm but Angle slides out as Gunner runs out and tries to interfere. Storm knocks him off the apron and Angle hits an Angle Slam but somehow Storm kicks out at two, and Angle gets pissed and yells at the ref.
He slaps Storm and turns around, then Storm goes for the Last Call but Angle moves and the ref gets knocked out. Angle goes for an Angle Slam but Storm armdrags him and hits the Last Call and makes a cover as a referee runs out to make the count. Gunner pulls him out of the ring and knocks him down, then grabs the title belt and nails Storm in the head with it and punches him until Bobby Roode comes out to make the save. He throws Gunner out of the ring and looks at the title belt, then holds it and looks as Angle makes it to his feet. He holds it above his head and stares back at Angle, then places it on the ground at his feet and goes to check on Storm. He keeps his sights locked on Angle, who picks up his belt and clutches it as Impact comes to an end.