Impact Wrestling Results (9/15) – Roode’s New “Challenge”, Sting vs Flair

Kurt Angle makes his way out and he says Bobby did claw and scratch to win the tournament, and even did it with an injury. He says it is cool but he wants to know why they are all happy and asks if they aren't the least bit jealous. Kurt says they all wish they were main eventing Bound For Glory with him, and he says they are all there for the same reason, and it's the title he is holding right now. He says no one will tell him how they feel, so he will tell Bobby what the rest of Fortune is thinking. He says they are all jealous, and says he talkd to Bischoff and Hulk and he booked Bobby in matches against each member of Fortune. Kurt tells them if they lose they'll be at the bottom of the ladder, but if they win they will be right at the top after Kurt retains his title, then tells Kazarian he is up first.

Queen's Qualifier Match
Velvet Sky vs Angelina Love (w/ Winter)

Velvet makes her entrance and goes to 'let the pigeons loose' but Angelina charges her and throws her off the apron. She gets back in the ring and punches Velvet then whips her off the ropes but Velvet counters with a bulldog then Angelina rolls outside and is checked on by Winter as we go to a commercial. When we return, Angelina drops an elbow on Velvet's back then throws her in the corner and slams her head into the turnbuckle. She kicks her in the stomach and taunts then fans, then puts Velvet in a headlock but it is countered with a jawbreaker. Velvet tries running the ropes but Winter trips her and Angelina jumps on her and rapidly punches her on the mat.

Angelina distracts the ref while Winter uses the ropes to choke Velvet, then applies a rear choke and keeps Velvet from getting up by punching her in the back. Velvet reverses an irish whip and Angelina stops before she runs into Winter on the apron, and Velvet knocks her down with some diving clotheslines and dropkicks her in the face. She follows that with a sitout slam and goes to pick Angelina back up but Angelina rakes her eyes and holds her for Winter near the apron, but Velvet ducks and Angelina gets hit with the title instead. Velvet grabs Angelina and drops her with the Beau-D-T then makes the cover for the win.

Winner – Velvet Sky


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