WWE RAW Results (9/12) – Punk/HHH Final Confrontation

HHH and CM Punk both make their respective entrances and come down to the ring, and Punk says this is their final showdown and he is fascinating by the fact that the world is waiting for them to speak. He says he respects HHH for firing Kevin Nash, but it doesn't mean he likes him, and he knows it doesn't matter because HHH has always hated him. He knows it because people talk, and because he is a good judge of character, but he knows HHH called him an "internet darling" and HHH says it changed a bit, but Punk says that's the problem.

Punk says that's the problem because he fired Vince but he is just like him, and thinks that someone looking like Punk doesn't belong in the ring with someone that looks like HHH. Punk says they have a fetish with bodybuilders, but HHH cuts him off and says HBK, Mick Foley and Rey Mysterio have all succeeded and they don't meet that stereotype, but if Punk wants to use it as an excuse for his failures then he can. HHH says his opinion doesn't matter but the fans reaction does, and Punk bitches about the first six years he was here, but he never got the type of reaction he wanted and he would get all of the perks he wanted if he did. Punk says he gets it now and if they were going by fan reaction, they would have WWE ice cream bars by now.

He wants to go back, and talk about Survivor Series 2006, and how he teamed with DX, but everyone chanted for CM Punk. He says he would rather be who he is than someone he's not, and HHH says he has had plenty of opportunities and maybe he needs to look in the mirror and blame himself for some of it. He brings up Punk's story about Cena, and says Cena made himself into the biggest star they have, and he did it on his own by winning the fans, so Punk needs to go do the same. HHH always gives his honest opinion, but he can be wrong and it's all about winning the fans over, and Punk tells him to listen and he already has them. Punk says he has busted his ass and earned his way over the past six years, and HHH agrees with him and says that is how you make it, but this is only about Punk and him.

HHH tells him he made it into a personal issue, and it's not going to be the COO or the Game this Sunday, but it will be a man he insulted, and a man that is going to kick his ass. Punk says big deal, he will kick his ass, but Punk will also kick his ass and pin him to get rid of him. He tells him this isn't about Punk vs HHH anymore, but this is about Phil Brooks versus Paul Levesque, and… Punk's mic gets cut off. HHH tells him to say it to his face, mic or no mic, then HHH asks for another mic and gives it to Punk, but this one goes out as well. Finally HHH asks ringside for a working mic and tells Punk to take his best shot, then he hits HHH in the face with it and mockingly tells him to 'suck it' then makes his way to the back as RAW ends.    


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