*Spoilers:* Complete Impact Wrestling Results For Tonight

Sting takes off his trench coat and asks the people what they think. They cheer and Sting accepts.

In a Bound For Glory Series Match: Scott Steiner defeats Devon with his feet on the ropes. After the match, Samoa Joe attacks Devon and puts him in a leg vice. Devon's kids jump the rail and get face to face with Joe. Pope comes down and gets in-between the kids and Joe until Joe exits the ring. Matt Morgan was on commentary for the match.

On the video screen hey show Ric Flair going to Hulk Hogan's office and Hogan is mad at Flair. Flair gives Hogan a hug to try to calm him down. Hogan says that he crucified Sting in the middle of the ring last week and he should be dead. Flair says he's got Sting's number. Hogan says he is done with Sting. Flair tells Hogan that he will kick Sting's ass. Hogan says he needs to make sure that Sting is not breathing by the end of the night. Hogan says he will never wrestle Sting again as Flair blows a kiss to him and leaves.

Eight Man X Division Gauntlet for an X Division Title Match.

The Order of Entry was:
Robbie E (with Cookie); Jesse Sorensen; Zema Ion; Mark Haskins; Kid Kash; Anthony Nese; Alex Shelley; and Austin Aries.

The Order of Elimination was:
Robbie E; Mark Haskins; Alex Shelley; Anthony Nese; Zema Ion; and Kid Kash.

Austin Aries and Jesse Sorensen then wrestled for the X Division Title Match. Kid Kash (who was eliminated by Sorensen) came in and hit Jesse with a Moneymaker. Aries tried to get an easy pin but Jesse tried to fight back. Aries got the win with brainbuster.

After the match, Christy Hemme interviewed Aries and he said he was going to take the X Division title from Kendrick. Kendrick came out and the two brawled and had to be separated by security.


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