Update: Follow Up To Shawn Michaels/October Tour In UK

I have been receiving a lot of emails regarding the original post I put here on WZ regarding the Shawn Michaels pulling out of the 1PW UK tour, set to take place this October. Shawn Michaels posted on Twitter today that he knew nothing about pulling out of the event and he was going to find out and let everyone know.  1PW has since posted that "negotiations between 1PW and Shawn Michaels are currently ongoing. At this stage, as far as 1PW is concerned, a contract is in place and HBK will be coming to the UK as agreed."

To clarify, I was forwarded an email by a WZ reader that was sent to them by Shawn Michaels’ agent.  It was sent to multiple people and looked like a statement sent out in bulk.  I was contacted by Michaels’ agent and asked to take the email down (which I did) because negotiations were still ongoing and the original email was not meant to be published.

Despite that particular email being taken out of my original post, I left the article up thinking that the content of said email was still accurate and Shawn Michaels would not be participating in the October UK tour – not for 1PW, at least.  I have since taken down my original post completely and will await an official word from either party – 1PW or Shawn Michaels – before posting anything on the subject again. 

I apologize for any confusion or inconvenience my original post may have caused anyone.


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