WWE RAW Results (7/4) – Fireworks on RAW!

Cole talking about what a strange week it’s been and the comments Punk’s made (never mind what he’s said since then!). Video of Cena’s Table Match with R-Truth. Punk costs Cena the match, then sits on the stage and lays out one of the best promos we’ve seen in years (and I will stand by that comment). They cut the video after Punk spoke about VKM being dead, nothing about Trip and Steph.

VKM out to the ring, strutting and smiling. I will take back the color I said his tie is. I now think it’s a very pale silvery gray. He says the Punk thing had gotten out of hand. Not that he needs to tell us, but he wants to explain this Punk suspension. He deserved it. When Punk comes out and says what he says, we’d do the same. It’s not the comments to him or his family, he doesn’t have a thin skin. This isn’t about VKM’s ego, it’s about doing right for each of the fans. It’s what he does.

Punk was going to tell them a story about VKM. It is true that Punk’s contract is coming up. VKM says Punk wanted special limo service, fly first class private transportation, the cover of the magazine and all those other things. All that crap he wasn’t worthy of being on, so he wasn’t on. He suspended Punk because he deserved it. CM Punk is just that, a Punk! Thanks and they’ll be seeing him next week in Boston.

Cena comes out before VKM can leave. Cena asks that after a tirade like that, he’s going to call him a punk and kick him to the curb. VKM says Punk suspended himself. Punk spoke his mind, something VKM thinks so highly of. The 1st Amendment, VKM can come out and say what he wants, does what he wants. Right? VKM says he does and that’s why Cena’s mic is still working.

Cena thanks his boss snidely. Cena says he remember when VKM was a fighter. He’d do his walk. Whoever got in VKM’s way, he stood in the ring and said bring it on, I’m ready to fight! He even took down Turner! Not because VKM was a coward, but because he was a fighter. Punk says a few things that gets under his skin and VKM suspends him. Where’s VKM the fighter? Has he gone soft? Are the VKM grapefruits now peach pits? That’s the case, VKM doesn’t want to fight anymore. Cena wants to fight and wants to fight Punk. If VKM doesn’t feel like fighting, then "maybe you should hang them up, old man."

Vince says the reason he really suspended Punk. He didn’t want to take a chance on Cena. Punk’s beaten Cena, Cena’s beaten Punk. He takes calculated risk. That’s how he beat everyone who got in his way and built this empire. Bu taking calculated risks. Punk wins, then walks out the next day and into somewhere else with the strap. VKM doesn’t want to be embarrassed by that. The people don’t want to see that happen either.