Dolph out in a white suit, black shirt and untied bow tie in turquoise! Vickie in tow in low slung faded jeans and a 4th of July tank top. EXCUSE ME!! EXCUSE ME!! She says tonight’s very special night. We’re celebrating the Birthday of the USA. Since Dolph is our US Champion, she thought it would be fitting for them to give him a birthday as well. She demands everyone stand to sing to him. EXCUSE ME!!
King refused to stand, Cole is all up in that. She starts singing and blowing him Dolph’s ear. He looks very uncomfortable about the whole thing. She asks if he has a wish before blowing out the candles.
He says he doesn’t have a wish, but does want to say something. They don’t know how good they have it. They’re witnessing one of the best in the WWE – in his prime! There will be other Cenas and Ortons, but there will never be another Dolph! These people have no idea what it takes to be a natural. Forget Punk and Cena, forget the WWE Champion. As long as Dolph has the us Title, that’s all the fans need to make Monday night RAW – perfection!
Kofi’s music cuts Dolph off. Cole rips on Kofi not being from this country. Kofi asks what’s all this? Having a party and not invite him? Dolph can come out and party? Kofi says without Vickie, Dolph can’t beat Kofi.
Dolph says they used to be toe to toe, tore it up every night. Kofi’s still here, but Dolph’s heading here. They’re having a celebration, so beat it! Dolph got in Kofi’s face, so Kofi pushes back and Vickie ends up sitting in the cake. They fight out of the ring, then back in. Vickie then ends up landing front first in the cake. They then Dolph chases Kofi up the ramp and out as Vickie tries to gain some composure and leaves the ring. Video of Vickie landing the in cake twice, as if we had already forgotten what had happened to her.