Backstage Miz is with Stanford. He wonders what strategy Miz will use against Riley. Miz says Punk is suspended, another golden shot for the Title, but he wasn’t picked to compete due to Riley. He’s a nuisance. He could have kicked Riley to the curb a long time ago. Miz gave his life and an opportunity Riley abused. That will end tonight. He brought Riley into the WWE and he’ll take him out. Because he’s the Miz and he’s awesome!
Backstage Evan is hanging with Sgt. Slaughter! Evan says it’s the 4th of July and they couldn’t be prouder to have him there tonight. Sarge says there’s no place he’d rather be than to lead the fans in the Pledge of Allegiance, the way he used to. Swagger steps into the frame. He asks Sarge if he wasn’t there when this country declared their allegiance? It should be Swagger, the all American American, not someone who sided with Iraq during the Gulf War! It’s okay because he said he wants his country back. Sarge says everyone makes mistakes! He has, Evan as and Swagger’s parents have made a mistake not using birth control. Swagger says Sarge is looking a little cute at the mouth there. Why not make a mistake and get in the ring with Swagger tonight. "You’re on maggot!" Swagger walks off and says a cobra clutch on the all American puke! Evan says Swagger doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into.
Jack Swagger vs. Sgt. Slaughter
Swagger out in his arrogant way. Slaughter out to huge pop! Huge "USA!" chants. Swagger yells at the fans as Slaughter readies himself and Cole talks smack about Sarge. Blows from Swagger, then shoulder blocks in a corner. Slaughter on Swagger with blows and backs him into a corner. Swagger whipped, but comes out with the cobra clutch. Slaughter slammed back into a corner, then nails a short clothesline. Swagger nails his splash off the corner for three.
Winner – Swagger
Swagger still yelling smack at Slaughter. Swagger locks on the ankle lock. Evan out to rescue his hero with a big boot. Swagger sent out of the ring, then Evan over to check on Slaughter. Evan calls for a mic. Slaughter leads the fans the in the Pledge! Handshake and hugs to Evan.