Edge: ‘Bradshaw Soaped My Ass In The Shower’; Details Inside

IGN Sports has an interview up with Edge discussing his new book which contains some interesting stories such as: “The night Bradshaw soaped his ass in the shower” Here is an exert:

IGN Sports: What does Bradshaw think about the part where he’s soaping your ass in the shower?

Edge: Like I said in the book, no knuckles disappeared. It was simply a gentle caress. [laughs] I actually haven’t seen him or talked to him since the book has been out. He doesn’t even know it’s in there until he reads it, so it should be pretty interesting to see his reaction. I think he’ll get a kick out of it. He loves doing stuff like that. It’s like his way of weeding out the prima donnas to see who is going to be a cool kid and who is going to have an attitude. I just laughed along with it and joked around with him. It was one of those things where I knew I was starting to belong. If they were willing to have fun with me like that, then I knew they must like me, so I just kept doing what I was doing.

The entire interview can be read at: http://sports.ign.com/articles/565/565537p1.html


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