Update On WWE Stars Jumping To TNA, TNA’s Future, & More

[ Source: PWTorch.com ]

– Right now it is known amongst WWE wrestlers, that with WWE cutting salaries, they would most likely be able to make more (or at least an equal amount) of pay by working TNA and some indy shows. The main reason that many unhappy WWE wrestlers are hesitating on jumping ship, is that they are unsure about the future of TNA.

TNA is being described as a more attractive offer than renewing a WWE contract right now for the less paid wrestlers in WWE. TNA’s road schedule is a lot easier to live with, and the wrestlers would get more TV time. The main factor in WWE wrestlers jumping to TNA, is that they are still unsure about the just how long TNA will last.

However, with TNA’s Victory Road PPV buy rates being so good they were described as “beyond their wildest dreams”, many look at TNA as more of a secure company than before.


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