Mega TNA Post: Hogan Signing?; Hall/Nash, Savage; Loads More Inside

– Dixie Carter reportedly held a meeting with both Jerry and Jeff Jarrett prior to the Impact! tapings last Tuesday. Although the meeting was held in the open, it was far away from many of the wrestlers so that it was considered private. Dixie, who has made it clear in the past that she sides with Jeff involving his current dispute with his fahter, attempted to make peace between the son and father. Observers say the meeting did not get heated and all took turns speaking.

– According to a strong source close to the situation, Hulk Hogan is said to be against working for TNA at this time. If he does decide to join the company, he would most likely take on a commissioner type role rather than as a wrestler. Many feel this would be Hogan’s way of “feeling out the company” before agreeing to wrestle for them. It should be noted that Hogan has made comments that he feels TNA is worse off than WCW was during its dying days. Hogan has also made it clear that he does not trust Jeff Jarrett at all, something that could prevent him from ever officially joining the company down the line.

– A big rumor making the rounds at this time is that Dutch Mantel could be one of the first to experience the new changes involving the power struggle between the Jarrett’s. Many TNA workers said Mantel was acting like a person who knows his days are numbered at recent TNA events. Some said he came off very nervous at the Impact! taping last week as well. It should be noted that many workers would not be sad to see him go.

– Although this is far from confirmed, the rumor backstage within TNA is that Randy Savage is so paranoid right now that he is carrying a knife with him in his jacket. Some are also wondering why he refuses to take off his leather jacket at TNA events, causing some to feel he isn’t as muscular as he once was or that he has a medical condition that has caused his one of his arms to lose muscle tone. To make matters worse, some are wondering if Savage will no-show the Turning Point PPV on December 5. Once again, these are only strong rumors at this point.

– The word making the rounds is that Kevin Nash and Scott Hall were overheard backstage saying they only have five dates remaining with their current TNA contracts. They could have easily signed longer deals recently or, as some feel, they could be working some people backstage. Both initially signed eight-show deals based on the information said backstage. Under the assumption that the information is true, a good amount of TNA workers are confused as to why the company would give both Nash & Hall so much power on Impact! only to see them go away within weeks. Some were also heard complaining over the fact that both basically buried the talent during their commentary with Mike Tenay at last week’s Impact! taping.

– Recent reports stating that Panda Energy President Bob Carter is thinking about pulling the plug on his investment in TNA look to be mixed up with previous comments made in the past. Carter expected to lose money at first, but given the company has owned TNA for well over a year now, it is safe to say that Carter could be growing impatient over the current happenings within the promotion. However, it should be noted that no one is under the impression that Carter has even considered pulling the plug on the company whatsoever. He basically just wanted to know when they expected to profit down the line.